01 June 2010
I'm not better. We should be going to a marina tomorrow. Today though, we have to tackle a 130 foot lock!!! OhhhMiGoooosshhh I'm scared! I hate locks to begin with, but this is just insane!!I really don't want to. And I dislike bollards, it wouldn't be so bad on a dock or something, but ughh. And we have to wait on a barge I think before we can go. We're not sure if they'll just let us lock with them. I don't see why they wouldn't.
I'm taking some antibiotics from when I had tonsillitis last November. I know, I'm sure it's a major no-no, but you don't know. My throat is KILLING me, and looks disgusting, and it's just bad. It looks like it did last time I had tonsillitis, but, who knows. And I never took all of my pills(another no-no, I know..) so we decided that until I can see a doctor it'll do. I can go see one when we go to Lake Guntersville. But, I'm hoping I'm all better by then. It's 3 days away.. So maybe. I don't want to go. But if I have to, oh well. I don't want him doing a throat culture, because they really really bother me. When I went before I had to have a throat culture, and it made me mad, and annoyed, and then the nurse comes back in, and says "this will be even more unpleasant.. Sorry." and I'm thinking, "NO!! she's gonna swab the back of my throat again!" but she cuts my finger and takes blood. I'm just like... oh, that's all? Huh. I don't mind cuts. Not being me. I always have one or two, so I get used to it ya know?
It thundered earlier, and I'll tell you what, Thunder in the river is TERRIFYING!!!!! It echoed, and was really really loud, and sounded like a dam broke or something. Crazy. Me and my mom, who was making a cake, were just like staring at each other wide eyed like "what was THAT??" but it's all cool. Then it rained for a while, and now it's just kinda cloudy.
Uhmmmmmm I think that's all. I don't really have much to say. Today was my last day of learning. Well a couple of days ago was, but today was my last day of review and I have final exams tomorrow. So all of my teachers were saying goodbye on video and such, but I'm reallllly glad to have it all over with. So tonight is a big review night, and then tomorrow exams. Wish me luck!! I have to study extra hard in science, because my teacher is stupid, and decided that since we just had a test, no need to study the last 2 chapters. L nice.