Travelling around the Caribbean Chain of Islands there is often not a stop that goes by that we don't notice "graffiti" in the form of somewhat
inspirational sayings drawn on the walls of houses.
"Bad Habits are the Worst Boss". What do you think? Are habits the boss of us?
A collective (and unknown) "they" have advertised that it takes 21 days to completely change our habits. Quite possibly, but isn't it always a moment by moment, choice by choice decision to have to struggle with??
We've noticed that a lot of our recent posts have portrayed a picture of
cough,cough a hell-uva lott-uva Playing. There was the Carriacou Regatta with its festivities, immediately followed by the Grenadian Carnival with its festivities, and OMGoodness How Much Fun we all had.
Then we came back to Mt Hartman Bay for some R&R/R&W (Rest and Relaxation/Recovery and Work) and what happened? More Play was instantly added to the Agenda, whereas Work was put off "till tomorrow".
First there was the Friday night SockHop at Secret Harbour Marina. Not wanting to admit my
ignorance or
my age and my never having been to one, I did have to ask around as to What to Wear?
My friend (no names will be divulged in an effort to protect the persons concerned, wink wink) informed me that "Sock Hops were started because school dances were held in the gymnasium after a basketball game or something and we weren't allowed to wear our shoes on the wooden floors".
And so poodle images were Googled, printed, cut-out, and glued to our clothes. We coiffed our hair into pony tails with ribbons, and although socks were brought, it was way too hot to wear them.
For my First Sock Hop (ever) it turned out to be a WONDERFUL time spent singing along to the golden oldies with both Chris of
SV Troubador and White Chocolate performing,
and everyone dancing the evening away. We all went to bed way after Cruiser's Midnight!
(photo courtesy of David and Libby on
SV Peregrine)
You know, there's just
SOMETHING to be said about music from
back then. I did not grow up in that timeframe, yet somehow, I know most of the words to most of the songs of that era. Makes me wonder if the music of today, the dances of today, will survive and last and be as memorable, or as much fun, for future generations?
Saturday was the HHH (Hash House Harriers) Hash held in Windsor Forest (in the Parish of St David's),
and we found it to be a relatively Easy, albeit Very Muddy, trail. Somehow we all lost sight of the globs of paper and went This-A-Way, the "Are You's" were being yelled but Everyone was at a Loss, and perhaps we should've gone That-A-Way?
We came back 45 minutes later, having only done half the trail, which is quite probably why we found it to be so easy.
Tashi, the favourite puppy as of late, was too tired to stay awake for the festivities.
The next day was Le Phare Bleu's Dinghy Concert
(photo courtesy of Izzy)
and it was a great performance with songs that we could all sing to, and even dance to. Delicious snacks were shared, and some of us ended up in the water
(photo courtesy of Izzy)
although I have no idea how all that transpired.
Then there was Doug who said "I'm going for a swim" that somehow turned into a "Man Overboard" call to a search. He was quickly found a few dinghies away, chatting up a storm with friends.
Enough of that now. There's work to be done!
We've been without fast and easy transportation as our Dinghy Outboard is in the Shop for Repairs.
Sure we can row yet we've been so very lucky to have been at the receiving end of our friends great Taxi Service. A most appreciative and heartfelt thanks to Dalynn and Glen, who picked us up every day, multiple times a day, to attend the gruelling morning Yoga classes, Shopping Buses, hikes, dances, Volleyball Games.
And the Research on how can a barely three year old, trusted and reputable, two stroke, 8HP, Yamaha Outboard go belly-up, that fast, continues?
We've organized a trip back home to Canada in the Fall, so we've been (researching) and planning all the details, makings lists of Things to Do and Buy, that seems to be growing exponentially by the Day.
Not a good sign.
Then there's routine boat bottom and anchor chain scrubbing/cleaning to be done every few days as things grow very fast in these very warm and very fertile waters !!
Just as with a house, Daily Chores are never-ending and on-going. And on the Maintenance End, Things that don't get done during the Cruising Months seem to get done when one stays in one place for a few months.
Such as sorting and organizing the lazarette or perhaps the Capt'N just likes to hide from me?
Bigger Jobs such as Winch Cleaning
and Inspection
and Re-Greasing,
Down Below, the monthly disinfecting of galley and head sinks and hoses is happening.
Baking Soda and Vinegar, followed by some hot water does the trick.
And given it's the rainy season the daily showers that seem to appear out of nowhere have us routinely running below to opening and close the hatches, which is an exercise regimen in of itself.
We have a mantra, and we stick to it: "Work Hard, Play Hard". Has it become our boss?