Day 1
24 September 2011 | Grenada
Rick, 56,830
Day 1
The Peterson Crew arrived into Grenda 5am after a tense night of airlines vs mother-nature... We had a "interesting" time going thru Customs because of all the stuff we brought with... Dad's taxi contact, George, was there waiting for us with the largest mini-van i've ever seen! We packed in 6 large checked bags, 6 hand-carry bags plus the three of us and our driver into that mini-van with room to spare!
The ride to the boat had us all grabbing for hand holds and getting ready to crash at the next steep narrow curvy up and down road... I thought the Philippines or Duluth, MN was bad, this place is CRAZY!
It took two trips to haul all the gear the 30 minutes out to the Catamaran. I think we all lost 5 lbs each from sweating so much! IT IS HOT AND HUMID HERE!
The first half of the morning ended up just looking around the new boat, unpacking stuff and jumping in to cool off! The late afternoon, we decided to raise the anchors and move the boat closer to town, but we ran into our first MAJOR OBSTACLE!!!!
We were in amongst a line of boats that were shore-tied to the mangroves and had anchors leading out to the deep end... we found out that our anchor chain was a tangled mess with two other boats! Dad and Chad were on the bow pulling and pulling the chain in while I dove to untangle as best I could. We gave up after 3 or 4 hours and decided to enjoy our first sunset in 'PARADISE'.....
Good thing Chad brought all the food and bug spray! He saved the day for sure!!! The mosquitos decided to attack us just as the sun disappeared.... so Chad zapped all of us with his powerful deet!!!
I'm writing this on day 2.... and ready to fall asleep.... more to follow!!
Cheers from 3 men in a boat!!!