22 October 2011 | 9 35'N:76 39'W, Middle of Carabien Sea

Hello from somewhere in the middle of the Carabiean Sea... We left the shelter of the Cholon Islands to press on to Panama a little to early! We had a great sail for about 5 hours then i-yi-yi... the winds and seas decided to unleash it's force on us! Huge waves and high winds kept us up all night with POUNDING on the boat!
Right now, it's sunny and hot with winds around 15 gusting to 25 and seas around 5' with occational 10 footers!! Chad has been battling seasickness yesterday and today.. poor guy! Dad and I are fine just getting worn down. I think we all lost quite a bit of weight.
We have some dead animal on the boat that we just can not find, but OMG is it getting NASTY!
It's EXTREMELY hard for me to cook anything with all the rocking & rolling and pounding!!! The stove isn't gimbled or have pot holders... ugh! So, I have to be extra careful and do the cooking dance while holding the pan. I'm getting cat like reflexes! haha Excpet I head-butted the cabin this morning! OUCH!!! So much for cat like i guess! haha
We are squeeking out 5kts to windward in this 35' Cat... What happened to the downwind trades!?!?!?! I guess it's that HUGE storm just North of Panama that is causing all the havac! :(
Sorry for not sending pics or updates for awhile, it's just been TOO NASTY to risk breaking anthing more electronics! Chad took a direct hit to the face and ipod from a HUGE wave! Seas-1, electronics-0.... my BRAND NESW SATPHONE antenna broke! uigh! My solar panel wire was cut, on and on... stuff getting broken. I'm in my bunk trying not to throw up.. .the smell of that animal or what ever it is, is really getting to me... sorrry gotta run!
cheers from the ready for shelterd crystil clear warm, no lightning, amigos!