23 October 2011 | 9 37'N:77 47'W, Middle of Carabien Sea

We have been getting the crap beat out of us the past few days!!! Lastnight around 0400 the wind FINALLY shifted out of the South, so we hoisted the main, let out the jib and killed the motors! We were "flying" at 6.3 kts with the moon lighting our wake! The stars were out in full brightness and the shooting stars were wizzing past at one every couple minutes! Just an AWESOME NIGHT to be out on the water!!!
This morning, the winds died down so a motor-sailing we will go! Now we have to make a decision about where and when to drop anchor! If we head for the main San Blas Islands, we could arrive around 10pm, not a great option! If we shoot for the nearest point of land with some possible protection, we might reach it just past sunset, still not a great option.... Lastly, go until we get close and drop the sea-anchor and wait until morning... Probably our best bet, but it will take some persuasion for that plan.
Chad is out on deck with my ipod steering away and singing (his ipod is trashed, got hit full on with saltwater), dad is shaving and trimming his face (I'm going total sea-bum... no shaving!).
We lost our fishing gear the other night during our pounding and boucning around... somehow it got loose. :(
The computers are holding up so far! I double zip-lock them and then into a backpack!!!
Lastnight I made Chili-mac camping food (frieezed dried in a bag), took me all day to prepare it! haha I thru in cheeze quesadias just for good measure. We also have one cold can of fruit between the tree of us per day! Yum! This morning was French toast with peanutbutter and gatorade! We aren't starving here, but a burger or steak sure sounds good now!!! :)
Well, it's time to add some more bio-fuel to the tanks.
Chow from the much happier three amigos!!! PS Todd and Tyler, you get the Panama to Hawaii leg!!!!! :)-