Panang to Langkawi
22 November 2006 | Panang

Photo above...A do At Panang
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Thursday 22nd November 2006
Left Tanjong City Marina at 0715 hours for our journey towards Langkaw, 80 miles away. Had to motor sail all the way, and got to the south of Pulau Dayang Bunting, 12 miles short of our destination.
This area is another change of scenery, now high lime stone hills, with trees growing right down to the sea, it is very spectacular.
We anchored in a lovely spot, and will want to come back when we have more time.
Friday 23rd November 2006
Left anchorage at 0700 hours, and got to our final rally destination, Telaga Harbour, we anchored amongst other rally boats, in the outer harbour, the marina in full at the moment.
On the way up we where using the VHF, and Kelly from Rapture 1, called us, and hopefully we we see them very soon.
Once we had settled the boat, we went ashore, to check in with the rally and immigration, had lunch, and on the way back to the boat, we bumped into Will and Annie off Comin O, so went back to there boat to catch up on old times.
Saturday 24th November 2006
Fixed up the sun/rain shade, over the forepeak and saloon hatch, it seemed to cool the boat down, and we should be able to leave the hatch's open when it rain's, and it does that every afternoon.
Went over to see the boat show, left dingy at Will and Annie's boat in the marina, not much of interest of us, so went and had lunch at the Tapas bar, in the row of water side restaurants, that are very stylish.
Went back to the boat, tidied up a bit, tried the sat phone again, but the antenna seems to have broken, so will have to take it off, and look at it.
Put the 15hp outboard on the dingy, I much prefer it to the 2hp, a storm came through at about 1800 hours, but only 20 knots of wind, but lots of rain. All the boats are quite close together, so it was nice to be on board whilst it happened, all was well.
At 1900 hours, we went ashore again to have a free dinner and entertainment, suppied by the local tourist board, the food was the best so far, and the traditional dancing was very good, the girls were very pretty, which hasn't been the case coming up through the islands.
Saturday 25th November 2006
Took the Sat Phone Arial down, took off its dome, to see if I could see if any-thing was obvious, and it was very evident that one of the plastic gears is slipping, I help it around a little, and was able to get it working, and get all the emails down. But it will certainly need looking at by some-one who knows what they are doing.
We took the 1000 hours coach also laid on by the tourist board, to the capital, and was able to check out a few bits.
Brought two Helius Fans to go in the Fore-peak, and checked out the air conditioning units, that would fit near the saloon hatch, the 1.5 kv, would fit there quite well, and could be left there without to muck drama.
These units cost RM948 (£150), so we are seriously considering buying one, it could only be used in a marina. These units are not really for boats, but because of the price, we could throw it away after a year or so. They are tax free, and because they sell so many, they are a good price.
Got back to the marina by 1500 hours, and had lunch etc, at the Tapas restaurant, then on the way back to the boat, we went into the boat show, to see the manager of Rebak Marina, and he said there would definitely not be room on the hard, at there marina.
So it looks like it's here, on a mooring, Telaga Harbour, or maybe in the Royal Phuket Marina, time will tell. Phuket would certainly be better for getting a flight home.
Sunday 26th November 2006
I have looked further into the air conditioning, and the 0 79Kv seems to be able to do the job, also the 2Kv Honda generator, handles it with out having too labour too hard. Walt off Anwin, have the very same set up, and says it all works very well.
Monday 27th November 2006
Filled up the main tanks with diesel from 5 of the deck jerry cans, that's 105 litres, and will refill all the empty ones, 14 of them at the petrol station, just up by the dingy jetty.
Went up the cable car, which gave a great view of the island.
Went off on a free tour of the island, visiting two art centres, the first we brought a beautiful wood craving of a women Buda, and the second, apart from lots of other things, they had some real spectacle vibrate Batik paintings, and we we go back there tomorrow, as we our hiring a car.
From there we went to a show Paddy field, it showed the different stages of the three month growing process, then on to a Thai lunch which was delicious.
In the afternoon , we did a Mosk, which we did not bother to go in, then on to the ex President, Dr Martin, this beautiful building houses all the gifts given to him from the heads of state, from around the world, whilst in his 26 year in office.
This is the man that brought Malaysia, from being a third world country, to the motivated, successful country in is today...
Tuesday 28th November 2006
Went off in the car at 0930 hours, with Will and Annie, first we took the laundry in, then off to get the air conditioner and generator.
First shop for the air conditioner and had a 1.5 hp, the next was closed, then we found one that had a 1hp, and we brought it of RM990, £150, and would deliver it to the marina, we then went over to buy a generator, and they said it would take 3 days, so I paid a deposit, then decided to paid it all, and ask of it to be delivered, had some problems paying the rest on credit card, but got it sorted in the end.
Had some lunch, photo below, very good, then brought some more DVD,s, did a few more things around town, then headed back to the marina, getting info on how to increase my computers virtual memory on the way, got the shear pins I have been looking for, for a long time. Also found two mirror's suitable for our forward head.
Got back to the marina, via feeding the monkeys at the road side, the air conditioner was already there, we had discussed with Will, that it would be good to get into the marina, and as he has a bit of pull there, he's a regular customer, so we went to the office, and Will got us straight in, there will be so talk about that, as it is supposed to be full.
We went out to the boat, up anchored, and was in our berth by 1700 hours, Will and Annie bought all our stuff down from the car, including the air con, they helped us get the air con sorted, and by 1900 hours we had cold air falling through the saloon hatch.
Wednesday 29th November 2006
Got the 7 times 21 litres of Diesel, and 7 times 21 litre's of Petrol of the generator, so we can enjoy the air conditioning at anchor, also filled the 2 petrol cans of the 2 stoke outboards, that took all morning.
Enjoyed a lovely cool boat in the afternoon, went out of dinner in the evening.
Thursday 30th November 2006
Checked out of Malaysia, with Customs, Immigration, and the Port of Langkawi, ready to leave tomorrow on route of Phuket. Tried to pay up with the Marina, but they meter the electricity, so it was turn the air conditioning off and unplug, or wait till after 0900 hours, have the electricity read then go, there was no contest, we needed the cool night with the air conditioning.
Chrisy brought the two hatch covers, of the air conditioning, that see had made of us. they work well, and look very neat. .