Phi Phi Don to Koh Muk
03 February 2007 | Phi Phi Don
Photo above is Phi Phi Don.
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Sunday 3rd February 2007
I did the last rust spot, and also applied Rust-U Kill, up under the gunwhales, of all the rust area's,]so that may help to stop rust from forming again. I then prepared vanish in the forward head, by lightly rubbing it all down, so Lindy could apply the next coat.
I have now gone on to dealing with vanish on deck, taking it off the grab rails, we feel we have done enough boat work for the moment, and plan to leave tomorrow, and head SE towards main land Thailand, and then, slowly up to Langkawi.
We went ashore to get some provisions, and have lunch, and got back to the boat about 1500 hours, I put the finishing touches on the rust spots, and later Lindy got the third coat of vanish on the teak in the forward head.
Monday 4th February 2007
We got the fourth coat of vanish on in the morning, had breakfast, got the ding up, and left by 0930 hours. We sailed off the mooring buoy, always lovely to do that, using the main sail, then rounded the point, and had one of he best sails we have had of a long time.
When we left, we really did not know where we would go, it depended on the wind, but because we could sail, and sail fast, we headed for Koh Muk, 43 miles away, to the SE. the wind was blowing 15 knots from the NE, but apparent wind was more like 20 knots, about 60 degrees off the nose.
We arrived at Koh Muk by 1800 hours, a long day, as we approach the island, we could not identify the anchorage, Tham Morokot, so headed towards where a lot of boats where anchored, and we really did not want to be with a lot of boats. As we got closer to land we thought we could identify our anchorage, by the pilots description, and changed course to check it out, and yes it was the one we wanted.
It looked like the perfect anchorage, we anchored in 6 metres, at LWS, and it is one of the prettiest anchorages we have been it, a only us there.
There is a small sandy beach, palm trees, fringing it, and although I will take photos, I am sure it will not show it to its full glory....
We sat on deck, watched the sun set, then barbequed some sausages, baked potato, and pumpkin.
Tuesday 6th February 2007
Had a lovely night at our new anchorage, in the morning we changed the oil in the 15 hp outboard's prop gear box, before lowering the ding in the water.
Lindy went for a swim, I had a look at the outboard, as it has started to play up, not ticking over properly, and cutting out, after trying for 30 minutes of tinkering, and not having any success, I decided to have a break from it, for a while. Had another go, and then another go, without any success, so took it off, and exchanged it with the 2 hp outboard, will have to have it serviced in Langkawi.
Went to see the Emerald cave, not knowing what to expect, we tied the ding to a mooring buoy near the caves entrance, Lindy swam in, but it was very dark, so came back out.
There was a group going in with a touch, so latched on to them, we swam through a pitch black 80 metre long passage way, and then came out to daylight and a completely enclosed Cathedral -like Hong, 60 metres in diameter, an old volcano, it was awesome, it even had a beach. Pirates use to hide there treasures in there, it is sealed off at high tide.
By the time evening had come, we had 5 other boats anchored near us, so bang goes the solitude