Mr Bean at Sea

18 September 2007 | Langkawi, Malaysia
20 February 2007 | Langkawi, Malaysia
16 February 2007 | Talaga Marina
13 February 2007 | Talaga Marina
07 February 2007 | Koh Mok
03 February 2007 | Phi Phi Don
27 January 2007 | Phuket
13 January 2007 | Phuket and surrounding islands.
09 January 2007 | Phuket and the surrounding Islands
03 January 2007 | Phuket and the surrounding Islands
26 December 2006 | Phuket and the Islands
10 December 2006 | Phuket
01 December 2006 | Thailand
22 November 2006 | Panang
16 November 2006 | Port Dickson
30 October 2006 | Singapore
30 October 2006 | Singapore
18 October 2006 | Bangka Island..01.32'N 105. 50.97'E
09 October 2006 | Borneo..03 20.03'S:114 33.01'E


13 February 2007 | Talaga Marina
Above photo is of Talaga Marina

No Photo's on Blog, see Photo Gallery

Tuesday 13th February 2007

Got up early as we had a busy day ahead of us, we got the 15 hp outboard into the ding, so we could take it ashore, and into the car we rented, to take it to have the carburettor sorted.
We got ashore at 0830 hours, got the outboard out of the ding, and into the car park, it's very heavy, we picked up our car, a Proton automatic, very nice for £8 per day.
We took the Laundry in to a place we know, then on to Kuah, the capital of Langkawi, to find the Yamaha service shop, we went straight to it, and left the outboard with them, hoping we could pick it up later today, they said they would try.
From there we went to a boat shop, hoping to buy some boat bits, but only came out with 10 feet of bungy cord, and some zip oil.
From there we went back out of town, to the Batic Centre, to buy a picture for the boat, along the way we found a garage that could press out our old water pump bearing and shaft, and replace it with a new one I had purchased in Darwin.
The picture we bought was not the one I had in mind, but it was very nice, and getting it back to the boat, the one we got, of two blue dolphins, and it looks brilliant on the saloon bulkhead.
From there we went to the main resort on the west coast, which apart from a few good hotels, was pretty run down, but the beach was nice, when you could see it, one had the go through a hotel, to see it.
From there we drove back to Kauh, had lunch at the Langkawi Fair shopping centre, as we could not find anything that suited at the resort area. Lindy brought 23 more DVD's, whilst I had a look around the store, then we both went to the supermarket and brought some bits, including Rum and Raison dark chocolate, my favourite.
Picked up the 15hp outboard at 1530 hours, it was all running well, and it cost 20 ringgits ( £3 ), then headed back to the boat, stopping at a hardware shop on the way, and buying a great bucket, screwdrivers that I needed, wood filler, a pair of pliers, to replace the one lost when the ding over turned. Also some wet and dry sand paper.
All in all, we had a very productive day, and we were very pleased with all we had achieved, but the time we had got the stuff back to the boat, including the outboard, which seems much heavier on the way back, we were both very tired.
I went and got a Kentucky Fried Chicken takeaway, but it was very dry, not really up to their standard, the outboard how ever preformed very well.

Wednesday 14th February 2007

We both agree we like it in Malaysia, yet again, the driving is very esay in Langkawi, due to lack of traffic. The boat can stay as long as it likes, and we where given 3 months visa with out trying, and a 10 year one is quite easy to get.
We had a very lazy day, just a few jobs done, in between reading our current books.
In the evening, we went over to the marina restaurant side, and had a superb meal at the steakhouse grill,I had lamb chop and Lindy had grilled fish.
John and Pat our coming in 2 days time, after that I would be very happy to sail back down to Port Dickson, 250 miles away, and leave the boat there, whilst we are back in England.
This marina is safe, cheap, has a swimming pool, close to the capital, for a flight home, and Malacca, which we love and would like come spend more time there, is only 30 mile away by car.
Time will tell, the only other options at the moment, are Rebak marina, which was wiped out 2 years ago by the tsunami, and on the hard at Panang.
Panang is somewhere we would like to spend some more time, so if Rebuk does not appeal, we shall be heading further south, which I hope is the case.

Thursday 15th February 2007

Woke up to a windless day, and it was very hot, I polished the stern, rubbed down the drinks rack in the cockpit and the main table, Lindy vanished the companion way for the second time.
We decided to go in to the marina today, it will make getting the diesel easier, and to live in air conditioning bliss for a few days.
We got into the marina by 1100 hours, got the electrics on, and of course the air conditioning, I got the 8 jerry cans together, whilst Lindy went to get a trolley to carry them to and fro the petrol station, attached to the marina.
I got the 168 litres of diesel, without too much effort, but will fill the main tanks tomorrow morning, when it's cool.
Rob and Mags, from Gambori, came over, and we spent a very pleasant late afternoon with them, on Mr Bean, then in the early evening, went for out meal.
I got Lindy to vanish the companion way for the third time, and also to vanish the cup holder and the cockpit table, before going out.
John and Pat are arriving tomorrow, we have not heard from them for at least three weeks, so hope all is still OK.

Vessel Name: Mr Bean
Vessel Make/Model: Bruce Roberts
Hailing Port: Eastbourne, UK
Crew: Malcolm Robertson
About: Admiral Lindy Robertson
Extra: Yacht Mr BeanIs presently on the hard stand at Rebak Marina, Langkawi. while we spend the summer back in the UK. Left UK, from Eastbourne Marina on June 15th 1998, and have nearly sailed around the world, mostly just the two of us.

Who: Malcolm Robertson
Port: Eastbourne, UK