Mr Bean at Sea

18 September 2007 | Langkawi, Malaysia
20 February 2007 | Langkawi, Malaysia
16 February 2007 | Talaga Marina
13 February 2007 | Talaga Marina
07 February 2007 | Koh Mok
03 February 2007 | Phi Phi Don
27 January 2007 | Phuket
13 January 2007 | Phuket and surrounding islands.
09 January 2007 | Phuket and the surrounding Islands
03 January 2007 | Phuket and the surrounding Islands
26 December 2006 | Phuket and the Islands
10 December 2006 | Phuket
01 December 2006 | Thailand
22 November 2006 | Panang
16 November 2006 | Port Dickson
30 October 2006 | Singapore
30 October 2006 | Singapore
18 October 2006 | Bangka Island..01.32'N 105. 50.97'E
09 October 2006 | Borneo..03 20.03'S:114 33.01'E

Mr Bean for Sale

18 September 2007 | Langkawi, Malaysia
Yacht Mr Bean...Sail the Dream

A 44ft Bruce Roberts cutter rigged sailing yacht for round the world sailing

Price £220,000 / $US440,000/ $550,000 Australian

Check out ...

Built in Wales,UK, by John Williams, a professional boat builder for his own use, but due to his ill health, had to sell the yacht before fully completed. It was bought, rigged and launched by present owners in Dec 1997 in Southampton

She is built from steel, which was rolled to give the very fair lines, not often seen in a steel yacht of this size, the steel totally encloses the yacht, with quality ¾ inch thick teak decks fitted to the steel. The interior steel has been painted with epoxy paint, and sprayed with two inches of foam to prevent condensation.

The owners have sailed from Eastbourne, England, via the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Panama Canal, South Pacific, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu and Australia, and is now in Langkawi, Malaysia.. We have loved every moment, of the trip and never held back on any item that was required for the safety, her appearance or her maintenance.

The lay out is a centre cockpit, large stern master cabin with double bed, and a lee board that can be fitted, and lots of lovely teak storage units. Single cabin with lee board , Double vee berth, And an excellent saloon sea berth, when table drops down to make the double bed with a lee board.

The yacht is fitted out as follows

1. 60hp ford main engine, with extraction fan and vent to stern
2. Main sail , fully battened with stack pack , runs on fredrickson runners
3. Genoa and Staysail on Furlex furling equipment, spare genoa sail.
4. An UPS light air sail , is hoisted on dedicated Harken furling gear .
5. A cockpit can be enclosed, with the fitted side to the bimini, making cockpit a very comfort area even in rain. the sides can be inter-changed with lighter ones to let in air, or to keep out the bugs.
6. B and G network instruments, Depth gauge, Wind strength and direction, Speed and Auto Pilot .
7. Raytheon radar .
8. S.S.B Icom M710 radio with insulated back stay.
9. Mini M satellite phone, that can be used for email.
10. ICS M302 VHF
11. ICOM Hand held VHF.
12. Battery management Link 10 battery meter.
13. Radio and CD Player .
14. Aries wind steering, this can also be used with a tiller pilot
15. Main Bilge pump ,fitted with the ultimate float switch for safety .
16. High water bilge alarm .
17. Second emergency bilge pump , hose fits into cockpit drains .
18. Emergency bilge pump via engine , able to switch raw water pump to take from the bilge .
19. Small emergency diesel header tank , diesel can be manually pumped from main tank. Header tank will run engine by gravity feed though its own filter . Can be used to empty diesel tanks for cleaning , or to feed direct from spare diesel cans , if main fuel becomes contaminated .
20. Alloy gas bottles 30lb, 20lb and 6lb , with solenoid switch at cooker .
21. 406 EPIRB
22. 6 Man Avon life raft
23. Kiss wind generator sited on stern arch.
24. 2 times 55watt and 2 times 110 watt solar panels on stern arch .
25. Aquair 100 , hoisting and towing generator .
26. Stainless steel 65lb claw anchor with 70 metres of stainless steel chain.
27. 65lb CQR anchor
28. FX 65 Fortress anchor .
29. FX 16 Fortress anchor
30. Fishermans anchor .
31. Lorfans windless
32. 60 mts spare anchor chain stored on deck in dedicated teak box.
33. Teak rope box on deck
34. 50 mts 7/8in rope that can be used as anchor warp with 10m chain for CQR anchor or fitted to end of main anchor chain for us in deep water . Is also used for drouge , and is stored on stern deck in dedicated teak box .
35. 24ft parachute anchor with 100mts of 7/8 warp , stored below in easy launch bags
36. Droge with 7/8 warp.
37. 3.1 metre Rib dingy made from heperlite with 15 and 2 hp Yamaha outboard motors, all with Sunbella nazy blue covers.
38. Stern arch has davits to hold dingy
39. 2 Horseshoe buoys with danbouys and lights ,
40. MOB floating line with hoist .
41. UPS light air sail , is hoisted on dedicated Harken furling gear .
42. Granny rails
43. Teak decks
44. Gas BBQ
45. Dickinson diesel stainless steel heater with removable table top, for those colder climates
46. Inverter / Battery charger
47. Small back up inverter, primary for computer.
48. Galvanic isolator and transformer
49. Walkers trailing log with spares
50. Sextant with sharp pocket computer for quick calculation of Lat and Long .
51. Spare alternators for two on engine 150 amps and 55amps .
52. Engine spares.....starter motor , oil pump , fuel injection pump, 4 fuel injectors , 4 engine mountings , hoses , drive belts , filters and much more.
53. Spares for Aries , B and G auto pilot , water maker .
54. Smart regulator on 150 amp alternator .
55. VHF emergency Arial .
56. Pressurized water system with water heater
57. Electric pump to tap on sink for salt water. .
58. Hand pump for salt and fresh water .
59. A Taylor oven and grill with warmer.
60. Mast steps.
61. Two prop Bow Thruster.
62. Navtex 4, weather report printer.
63. Emergency steering direct to rudder, set up with tiller control from cockpit, also tiller can be fitted to the Aries wind vane.
64. Pushpit corner teak seats.
65. 14 20 litre, covered to match all covers, diesel jerry cans, very handy for getting diesel in out of the way area's, these fit on the granny rail in dedicated area,s
66. 6 blue fenders
67. New spare Hurth gear box

Vessel Name: Mr Bean
Vessel Make/Model: Bruce Roberts
Hailing Port: Eastbourne, UK
Crew: Malcolm Robertson
About: Admiral Lindy Robertson
Extra: Yacht Mr BeanIs presently on the hard stand at Rebak Marina, Langkawi. while we spend the summer back in the UK. Left UK, from Eastbourne Marina on June 15th 1998, and have nearly sailed around the world, mostly just the two of us.

Who: Malcolm Robertson
Port: Eastbourne, UK