13 January 2009 | Freeport, Bahamas
Once upon a time there was a tiny elephant about the size of an orange. Every day a little boy named Dan would come out and feed the elephant Cheerios. The little boy and the elephant were good friends. The little boy was unusual like the elephant. The little boy had special powers. He was very strong and he could fly.
After a year of eating Cheerios, the once small elephant ended up bigger than most elephants. One day the elephant ate too many boxes of cereal and he got a stomach ache. The once nice elephant became scared and panicked. He started running all over the place. He started running for town. The little boy raced after the elephant. When they got to town the elephant started destroying everything from hotdog stands to houses.
The little boy had to come up with a plan and quick! He finally thought of a plan. He flew up, grabbed the elephant and took him to the zoo. They gave him medicine for his stomach ache. He calmed down. The zoo put him on a diet. The elephant lived at the zoo happily forever.