downwind in buzzards bay
16 May 2013 | Mattapoisett
From Block Island we made a quick stop near Bristol (RI) on a friends mooring buoy, and got two months of laundry done and had a wonderful dinner (Thanks Douglas and Bernadette!)
Today we bombed around to Buzzards bay. The day got off to a bit of a rocky start with the autopilot failing to work. I quickly swapped drive motors and had it back going, and the sun came out and we had 18-25kts downwind pretty much the whole way. We raced a 100' traditionally rigged vessel. They were doing a bit less than a 1/2 kt faster than Hawk, which I thought was not too bad (for Hawk), but then I was even more please to hear on the radio (when taking with a crossing tug and tow) that they had the motor on the whole time also.
There are some easterlies forecast early next week, and I will have to try to find a good harbor for those, as this one is open to the E/SE.
We are still on schedule to go thru the cape cod cannel around the first week of June.