a dream of a sailing day
06 August 2013 | smith cove
We occasionally talk with other cruisers about cruising under sail vs under power, and sometimes power looks pretty attractive on those cold foggy windless days. But yesterday it was all about the joy of cruising under sail and never looking back.
I sailed off the hook, out of a medium crowded spot. There was only 8kts of breeze, but I left with a double reef in the main, because I was wanted things to happen slowly.
At about 3kts I ghosted over to Bracketts Channel (44 14.3n 68 55.8w). It's a narrow channel with some rocks and shallows to avoid. It was probably pretty tricky back 'in the old days', but with GPS and some private marks set it is straightforward if you pay attention. It was quite fun to do under sail, with a decent current running. I don't know what the 'best practice' is in terms of picking the state of tide to tackle such a channel. I set out at 1/3 tide, so that I have a big rise if I grounded and I find it easier to read the channel if the rocks are more visible, But I know some others prefer to go at 2/3 tide simply preferring there be more water depth.
The wind then started building (as forecast) and I turned a corner and was shortly upwind (northerly breeze) into a gusty 25kts apparent. Hawk loves that in flat water, and I was able to make the Castine entrance in one tack (30 apparent wind angle). And then screamed into Holdbrook harbor, around a few rocks, where the wind dropped, and anchored, again under sail.
This was all under a bright and warm sunny sky. The sort of day that was fun and rewarding and just makes you feel good all over.