Eagle's Big Left Turn

Now that La Paz is our temporary home, for now, travel with us as we explore Baja and other Mexico destinations, learning about the riches that Mexico has to offer with it's history and people.

21 March 2018 | Havelock, South Island, New Zealand
06 January 2018 | La Paz
12 December 2017 | La Paz
23 July 2017 | La Paz Poolside
26 June 2017 | Seattle
02 June 2017 | La Paz
16 March 2017 | La Paz
15 March 2017 | La Paz
14 March 2017 | La Paz
13 March 2017 | La Paz
11 March 2017 | La Paz
07 March 2017 | La Paz
04 March 2017 | La Paz
27 February 2017 | Puerto Lopez Mateos
27 January 2017 | El Sargento on the beach
24 January 2017 | La Ventana
21 January 2017 | La Paz
19 January 2017 | Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara
23 December 2016 | La Paz
24 November 2016 | Seattle

Beyond the BigLeftTurn!

21 March 2018 | Havelock, South Island, New Zealand
As we are no longer on a sailing adventure, but a land based one, we've switched to a different platform.
You can still follow along with us as we travel around the world by plane, RV and other forms of transportation.

Follow us at www.beyondthebigleftturn@blogspot.com

We'll see you there!
Jeanne, Tom and Lefty

Preparations for Transitions

06 January 2018 | La Paz
I guess it seems fitting to bring a close to this blog as Eagle is being prepared by David to journey to Mazatlán. At the same time, we are preparing our 5th wheel to begin our journey to the Pacific Northwest, and our new adventures.

While our lives may seem to have scattered a bit, after the clutter is picked up and the debris cleaned, it really is quite focused.
Our around the world adventure will be documented in a couple of ways.
I will be journal/blogging with photos at this new blog

Tom will be blogging about the great birds he finds during what he's named his "Little Big Year", at the Ramblings of a Bird Nerd .
He also writes a weekly story for the site
Check here on Wednesdays

Please join us as we start this next adventure.

Changes for us and Eagle

12 December 2017 | La Paz

If anyone is still reading this, you know that we've had itchy feet and feel the need to move on and do something different. Well, when we put our minds to something, it seems to come together, sometimes quicker than we sometimes think we're ready for. But in the wisdom of the universe, we've been blessed with good timing!

So the first big news is, Eagle is going to go sailing again! She has a new caretaker!

David C., a Freeport owner already, decided that Eagle was already set up with all the goodies that he wanted on a cruising boat, and she was already in Mexico. Mazatlán will be Eagles new home for a while, and in just a few weeks! He plans to do some Coastal cruising to work on longer distance dreams. We wish the two of them many wonderful adventures together.

They are both in good hands!

So is this the 2nd happiest day in a boat owner's life? Yes, and no.

She will be missed, there's no doubt about that. The feeling as I describe it is sadly happy, or happily sad. Eagle was everything and more that I was seeking in a boat when she found me to be her owner. She graciously accepted Tom into the package and we three had some fantastic times.

There were a couple of hair raising and nail biters, and one or two frustrating times, lol!

We're sad that this adventure, this portion of the Big Left Turn is ending, but we also feel that Eagle has many more sailing miles and adventures in her... she's not happy sitting at the dock, nor are we happy seeing her sit there bobbing at the dock.

To the people who may soon see Eagle in a new port or anchorage, stop by and introduce yourself to David. We were telling David that because of the blog and people who know Tom and I and Eagle, don't be surprised if he gets knocks on the hull and a 'Hello Tom and Jeanne'. Our friend John told David, it might just be easier to change his name to Tom!

David, we pass our beloved home and adventure vessel into your good, capable and loving hands. Treat her well and she'll be good to you.

Something fun!

23 July 2017 | La Paz Poolside
It's Sunday afternoon, and we've found that several projects have gotten done over the weekend. In my mind I've been 'writing' several new blog posts, and maybe over the next few days, I will get the photos and the stories together!

Today, however, I've reached my frustration level with downloading photos, slow internet speeds and just general grrrrr!

So, for something fun! My husband is becoming a Minion!

A couple of years ago, he was giving this diving helmut. It's sat in the back room on a shelf. He was pestering me while I was trying to write blogs, and I suggested that since it was hot, he should go try it out.

Your text to link...
Well, he took me up on it and headed to the pool with MY cart full of his toys (That's an inside joke!)

He called to tell me I just "have to come and check it out - Too cool" ! By the time I got there, he had a crowd and several people wanting to try it!

The collar weighs about 50#'s and sits on your shoulders. So the first challenge is lifting up over your head!

A small compressor pushes air into the top of it, keeping it full of air. Your hair doesn't even get wet! And you just breath normally.

What will we use it for? I don't know. For now it's just fun and a poolside entertainment adult size. As I left to write this, the guys were trying to figure out how to drink a beer while sitting at the bottom of the pool.

At least there are several of them working on this and 'lifeguarding' each other... and the pool is 4'8"!

Sad Days

26 June 2017 | Seattle
Northwest beautiful
Well, I had every intention of getting back to posting on a more regular basis. Especially after my last hiatus. But life has dealt my family a big wallop.
My mother, Linda, has passed away.
Sharing special times in La Paz

I started to get some phone calls that all was not well. I was able to read between the lines and booked a ticket to Seattle. On the 5th she was diagnosed with cancer, a tumerous growth on her gall bladder involving the liver and bile ducts.
She passed away on the 19th due to complications of liver failure. I got 12 days with her, although only two or three of those were good quality days. I am cherishing each one - good or bad.
Releasing baby turtles in Todo Santos

I am with family in Seattle and we are in the process of planning a memorial for her on the 8th of July.
Ever the lady, modest yet playful!

I miss her.

Her 'life' story can be seen at http://www.edwardsmemorial.com/obituaries/Linda-May-Shaw?obId=1977443#/obituaryInfo

Mission accomplished

02 June 2017 | La Paz
Jeanne - top of the world! sort of!
I'm still alive for all of you who keep checking the blog! I'm not going to feel guilty about not posting any blog posts for several months...I'm not! I'm not......... ok I am! But, we'll all just have to get past my lapse of entries!

Obviously we have been busy and I have much to get you caught up on. For right now, however, I'm going to toot a couple of horns.

Many of you followed the details of our dear friend John's accident, three years ago this past February here in La Paz, that resulted in him losing his left leg below the knee. While I was with him in the hospital in San Diego we set a couple short and long term goals for both of us.

The one-year anniversary of the accident found John getting along remarkably well, but still adjusting to the prosthesis. For me, my knee and leg pain was increasing and I just wasn't up to it. Last year, John was probably ready, but I had made arrangements for my surgery, and our little hill might just as well have been Mt Everest.

Here we are 11 months later - post surgery. I've been walking with friends 3 mornings a week and doing other things to increase my leg strength and endurance, including several hikes with Tom.

When John arrived a couple of weeks ago, he started walking with us. We start our walk with 'the hill' on our right shoulder as we walk the malecon to the water park. We both would glance at it and then at each other.

On our Monday walk, John suggested a June 1 hill climb. I agreed. I was glad we only had a few days to 'think' about it, as it was mentally hard to 'climb that mountain'.

Yesterday we accomplished a big goal! We hiked to the top of the hill near the marina. It's really not all that big, or difficult - although the trip down was harder than going up. To each of us it was very metaphorically 'OUR MOUNTAIN' !
Even though it was only 9am when we returned, we celebrated our accomplishment with a bottle of champagne! YEA Team John and Jeanne!

Thanks to Lisa of SV Fat-Dash for the photos and being our support team/walking partner!
Vessel Name: Eagle
Vessel Make/Model: Freeport Islander
Hailing Port: Des Moines, Washington
Crew: Tom Brown & Jeanne Walker
Tom, an avid speed boater for many years, fell in love with sailing shortly after falling in love with Jeanne. Prior to sailing, if his boats didn't go fast enough, he'd buy a bigger engine. He's readily adjusted to traveling at much slower speeds and enjoying the ride. [...]
Extra: This is the story of the love, tears, sweat and bruises on the path of this adventure. We're glad you're joining us!
Eagle's Photos - Channel Islands Harbor
Photo 8 of 10 | Back To Album
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Point Conception
Point Conception
Added 5 December 2011

The Crew

Who: Tom Brown & Jeanne Walker
Port: Des Moines, Washington

Where Are We?