If anyone is still reading this, you know that we've had itchy feet and feel the need to move on and do something different. Well, when we put our minds to something, it seems to come together, sometimes quicker than we sometimes think we're ready for. But in the wisdom of the universe, we've been blessed with good timing!
So the first big news is, Eagle is going to go sailing again! She has a new caretaker!

David C., a Freeport owner already, decided that Eagle was already set up with all the goodies that he wanted on a cruising boat, and she was already in Mexico. Mazatlán will be Eagles new home for a while, and in just a few weeks! He plans to do some Coastal cruising to work on longer distance dreams. We wish the two of them many wonderful adventures together.
They are both in good hands!
So is this the 2nd happiest day in a boat owner's life? Yes, and no.

She will be missed, there's no doubt about that. The feeling as I describe it is sadly happy, or happily sad. Eagle was everything and more that I was seeking in a boat when she found me to be her owner. She graciously accepted Tom into the package and we three had some fantastic times.

There were a couple of hair raising and nail biters, and one or two frustrating times, lol!

We're sad that this adventure, this portion of the Big Left Turn is ending, but we also feel that Eagle has many more sailing miles and adventures in her... she's not happy sitting at the dock, nor are we happy seeing her sit there bobbing at the dock.
To the people who may soon see Eagle in a new port or anchorage, stop by and introduce yourself to David. We were telling David that because of the blog and people who know Tom and I and Eagle, don't be surprised if he gets knocks on the hull and a 'Hello Tom and Jeanne'. Our friend John told David, it might just be easier to change his name to Tom!
David, we pass our beloved home and adventure vessel into your good, capable and loving hands. Treat her well and she'll be good to you.