Blue Moon NZbound

22 December 2012
23 June 2012 | McLeod Bay New Zealand
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
19 November 2011
19 November 2011
18 November 2011
17 November 2011
15 November 2011
14 November 2011

Day 4

19 August 2011
We ran out of wind at noon and are motoring now, with 60 miles to go. We should arrive tomorrow. I spent the afternoon cleaning out a locker where I discovered an infestation of rhinoceros beetles in the last package of pasta I bought. I was wondering where these long-nosed weevil-y things crawling around the boat for the last few days had come from.

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Vessel Name: Blue Moon
Vessel Make/Model: Woollacott 45
Hailing Port: Devonport, New Zealand
About: Blue Moon is on her way to New Zealand from Mexico, after 16 years of looping around the Pacific.
Extra: See more:

Port: Devonport, New Zealand