Blue Moon NZbound

22 December 2012
23 June 2012 | McLeod Bay New Zealand
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
22 January 2012
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
23 November 2011
19 November 2011
19 November 2011
18 November 2011
17 November 2011
15 November 2011
14 November 2011

On our way to Tonga

29 August 2011
We are glad we stayed in Suwarrow to experience a few of its lovely corners and spend time with James and John as well as our friends on the other yachts. Now it is time to move on again. We left at noon for Vavau, 720 miles away. There are still some lumpy waves out here, but down from the 15 foot seas of the last few days. I don't know what we were thinking, to wait for a calm patch. Whoever named this patch of ocean 'Pacific' must have had the same lapse. I seem to recall we've had a few rambunctious passages between here and NZ in the past!

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Vessel Name: Blue Moon
Vessel Make/Model: Woollacott 45
Hailing Port: Devonport, New Zealand
About: Blue Moon is on her way to New Zealand from Mexico, after 16 years of looping around the Pacific.
Extra: See more:

Port: Devonport, New Zealand