Blue Moon NZbound

13 November 2011
12 November 2011
09 November 2011
08 November 2011
07 November 2011
06 November 2011
05 November 2011
20 October 2011
14 October 2011
04 October 2011 | Vavau Tonga
17 September 2011
04 September 2011
01 September 2011
31 August 2011
30 August 2011
29 August 2011
29 August 2011
24 August 2011
20 August 2011
19 August 2011

Blue Moon is at my fingertip

22 December 2012
She is watching the progress at the penthouse, and waiting for us to take her sailing again.

Our 85 square meter mooring block

22 December 2012
When you sail into McLeod Bay, look for the trailer and the bunker on the hillside between Mt Manaia and Mt Aubrey, then come on up for a barbie!

Winter Solstice

23 June 2012 | McLeod Bay New Zealand
Blue Moon is resting for winter on her mooring, in front of our little patch of dirt. She has 56,000 miles under her belt since the last time she was here.

A Celebration!

22 January 2012
AAARRR!! On Sunday Jan 22 thar be a gathering not to be missed!

It be 30 years since that old pirate Rob tied the clove hitch with his bride Jo, and the good ship Blue Moon was conceived in the pirate infested waters of the Caribbean (AAARRR). In celebration of the event, they be gatherin’ for a Sandbank party and piratical games at low tide on the McDonald Sandbank (that be the one in front of the Penthouse pirate cave in McLeod Bay). Thar be hardtak and grog, and some mighty fine pirates once the waters abated. Thar be a treasure chest full of prizes fer the games – treasure hunt, cannonball tossing, walk the plank and blow the man down.

Thanks be to the weather gods fer a fine afternoon, had by all. AAARRR!


22 January 2012
That be the Pirate and his Treasure!

The treasure chest

22 January 2012
Blue Moon be moored behind.
Vessel Name: Blue Moon
Vessel Make/Model: Woollacott 45
Hailing Port: Devonport, New Zealand
About: Blue Moon is on her way to New Zealand from Mexico, after 16 years of looping around the Pacific.
Extra: See more:

Port: Devonport, New Zealand