Impending clouds loomed over the Puget Sound horizon and inched closer as we explored the 2 miles of protected tidal beaches of Discovery Park, the largest park in Seattle. Discovery Park is 354 acres of beach, meadow lands, sea cliffs, forest groves, sand dunes, thickets and streams on Magnolia Bluff north of downtown Seattle. Kevin and I took an afternoon trip with our good friend Bill and his kids down the parks loop trail towards South Beach and the West Point Lighthouse.
We discussed whether we thought the coulds towards Alki beach and Bainbridge Island were bringing rain or snow.
We walked towards West Point, looking for sea glass and admiring the colors of the afternoon.
On the way back up the trail to the car, our argument was settled...the clouds that loomed across the sound were snow clouds and were now dusting our hats and jackets through the bare trees.