Bobby Murdoch | Getting Colder...
Winter is coming Indeed, so that’s it for this years sailing tomfoolery, the boats parked up in the Valencia Mar marina and I’m parked up in the airport on my way to Australia for the Wee Yins second birthday, could also be a bit of work on the horizon too, maybes aye, maybes naw! Still waiting to see.

Valencia Marr Marina
The sail from Sardinia to Spain was fairly straight forward and undemanding with short overnight stops in Majorca and Ibiza, wasn’t hanging around though as I just wanted to get Confidence stripped off, washed down and put to bed for the winter months, and she is staying in the water this winter, I was looking for somewhere to put her on the hard but spaces were hard to come across here, I could have went further south but I have friends that live here in Valencia, so in the water it is…just means I’ll have to get my fat arse into the water a couple of times over the winter to give her bottom a bit of a clean, the waters really clear in the marina and she had her bottom painted not so long ago so we should be good.

All Tucked Up...

Done a better job getting alongside than this bloke....oops!!
Valencia is great, I’m well impressed so far, been to a Festiva (festival) where it seemed the point was for everybody to gather in the city centre and drink heaps of beers and then set fireworks off (during the day!?) it was fantastic although I was deaf (or even more deaf than I normally am) for a few days afterword’s but well worth it.

Big Heeds In Valencia....
Had my birthday while I was here, 49! Bloody hell, who would have thought eh!? And with me still looking so young! Haha! Had a great weekend, eating way too much and perhaps, maybe, just maybe, having a glass or two more of the local vino than what’s good for you, but hey, who’s counting, not me that’s for sure! Thanks to Patsy and Conor for a tremendous weekend.

Valencia Arts and Sciences buildings.....
Went to the Mestalla, which is the ground of Valencia Football Club and watched them beat Alavès 2-1, also, maybe somewhat controversially to some, went to a Bullfight! Which, I have to say, was pretty good, couple of the chaps got thrown over the horns, lots of “Ole’s” very much a cultural experience, exciting at times and even some funny bits such as when the bull comes out at first, they make him run around a bit to see if he’s up for it, if he “ cannae charge for toffee” they send him off, to do this they let a lot of good looking cows into the ring and he follows them right out again….pure genius!! There’s a lesson for life in there somewhere…..

Mestalla....Valencia FC

Bullfighting Bloke.

Bull, getting foxed by sneaky cows....
So I’m Australia bound for now, then hopefully off to the frozen wastes of the North and Girvan for Christmas if work doesn’t rear its ugly head and get in the way, then back to Valencia at the start of the new year a to hang out there for a few months, the plan for next year (subject to change as always) is to sail up to Port St Louis near Marseilles in the spring, whip the mast down on deck and go up into the French canal system popping out, hopefully, at Le Havre at the start of Summer to make my way North to Sunny Girvan by the sea , that’s the plan anyway, we shall see how we go………..

Med Sunset
Well, that’s my haverin finished for this year but before I Foxtrot Oscar down under, I want to use this platform to say cheerio to a family member and friend of mine, Jeff St Clair, who I know read these ramblings and has very sadly had to leave us all way before his time.
So, to you Jeff,
It’s pure pish that you had to leave the party so early,
I’m no sure where your off to next, but wherever it is,
Travel well Mate, we’ll see you when we get there,
You’ll be sorely missed.