Boracay Dreaming

14 July 2014 | Great Sandy national Park
11 July 2014 | Pelican Bay, Great Sandy National Park. Qld.s
26 June 2014 | Mooloolaba
19 July 2012 | Mooloolaba
16 July 2012 | Brisbane
03 July 2012 | Southport
11 June 2012 | Yamba, NSW, Oz
12 May 2012 | Newcastle (NSW, Oz) Harbour
07 May 2012 | Rozelle Bay, Sydney Harbour
19 April 2011 | Broken Bay, NSW, OZ
20 March 2011 | Sydney harbour
18 December 2010 | Sydney Harbour
23 October 2010 | Sydney
10 May 2010 | Sydney Harbour
02 March 2010 | Sydney Harbour
18 December 2009 | Sydney harbour
26 October 2009 | Sydney Harbour
29 July 2009 | Sydney Harbour...
20 May 2009 | Sydney Harbour
15 March 2009 | Sydney Harbour

Porthole repair no 3

21 April 2007 | Mort Bay, sydney Harbour
Mostly fine, some rain
Then I primed the steel with high build epoxy primer and topcoated with high build two pack polyurethane.
The portholes were refitted with lots of silicon rubber.
Hopefully no leaks.
I masked off the area round one of the deck hatches to keep the silicon rubber off the paint, but when I pulled off the tape the expensive polyurethane came with it. I should have allowed more cure time for the epoxy and sanded it down wet before topcoating.
I have noted the need for an antisyphon fitting. Will be fitted as time permits.
Estimated total time : 1025 hours
Vessel Name: Boracay
Vessel Make/Model: Roberts 44 Offshore
Hailing Port: Sydney
Crew: Chris & Marlyn