09 January 2013 | Blighty
20 April 2012 | Karpaz Gate Marina Cyprus
09 May 2011 | Home on the Wirral
01 March 2011 | Yacht Marina, Marmaris
28 October 2010 | Yacht Marine
13 September 2010 | Yacht Marina, Marmaris
27 August 2010 | Skopea Limani
30 July 2010 | Kekova Roads
31 May 2010 | Marmaris Bay
30 April 2010 | Marmaris, Turkey
31 March 2010 | Yacht Marina, Marmaris
End of an Era
09 January 2013 | Blighty
Sadly life has changed forever, Cathie finally lost her fight against cancer on Christmas Day 2012. She'd fought hard but just couldn't beat it this time. To say she will be sadly missed is a massive understatement, the church was packed to the rafters for her funeral so thanks to everyone for their kind words and support.
Bruadar, however has moved on, following an enquiry over the internet in the summer I flew back to Cyprus showed her off to her best and agreed a deal with a nice Israeli couple. Unfortunately it wasn't quite as straight forward as it sounded, as I ended up sailing her over to Haifa, Israel where she's now based, which was a bit of an adventure, but alls ended well and I wish both her and her new owners all the best.
So it is with much sadness that I sign off for the last time Bon Voyage to everyone!!!!!!!
Floating Caravan For Sale!
20 April 2012 | Karpaz Gate Marina Cyprus
Like a hot British summer
Well we're back on the boat in Cyprus despite all the odds! Cathie's coping well the way she has throughout her treatment for breast cancer, but it's meant that we will have to sell our beloved boat!
Having said that we are currently living on her in Karpaz Gate Marina, Northern Cyprus, where we have just renewed the contract for the next twelve months whilst we clean her up ready for photos and advertising on the internet. To be honest its a rubbish cruising ground, but there's loads of cheap flights and we're using the spare time to tour the island which has been a pleasant surprise. We've already gone from the spectacular summit of the Troodos mountains where there was still 2 metres of snow to sunbathing on the beach in the same day!
Either way with a bit of luck we're going to try to carry on travelling and learning with plans to return to our new house in West Kirby in early June, then coming back to Cyprus in September!
Quick Visa Run Goes Wrong
09 May 2011 | Home on the Wirral
Was that the Summer?

We flew back to the UK at the begining of April as our 90 day Turkish visas needed renewing, and crazily it was cheaper jumping on an EasyJet flight to the UK, than getting the ferry over to Rhodes.
The idea was simple, catching up with friends and family and taking in a couple of weddings, before flying back to Turkey, but as ever, things never go quite as you expect them to and for us its been a very harsh lesson. You should never plan too far ahead, because you never know what's around the corner!
Cathie went to the doctors and has been diagnosed with breast cancer, this will mean months of chemotherapy, an operation and then radio therapy.
After the initial devastating diagnosis we ended up waiting for what seemed like an eternity (but in reality was only a few weeks) for the results of further tests, which gave us the only bit of good news it hadn't spread everywhere!!!! So although the "BIG C" has sunk its teeth in and we know that it won't be easy, she's now started her chemotherapy and the fight is on.
She's got an amazingly strong and positive attitude, which coupled with her close caring family and friends, who are all sending their love, thoughts, best wishes and offers of support, will doubtless see her through.
So no sailing for her this year, but fingers crossed that the tratment goes well and we can try again next year, by which time hopefully the floating caravan should be moored in a new marina in the Turkish side of Northern Cyprus.
04 April 2011
Cold, cold, cold.

Regular mini bus tours of Turkey are organised locally in Marmaris and we've taken full advantage of this. The latest trip involved a round trip of around 1500 kilometers to the ancient region in cetral Turkey known as Cappadocia. This is a truely facinating place which has been occupied by man for thousands of years. Its unique geography has resulted in what can only be described as an alien landscape, which is the result of volcanic activity, erosion and mans attempts to carve out a sheter.
The result is a rugged landscape of natural rock pinnacles and phallic chimneys which have been hollowed out forming cave dwellings, churches, towns and underground cities. Complete with rocks that roll across the tunnels to secure the inhabitants from aggressors.
The early Christians were some of the many peoples who took full advantage of this to protect themselves from the Romans and others.
Our trip was over 5 days and saw us leaving the coast where it was a pleasant 18 degrees and climbing through mountains passed vast lakes and across ridiulously wide plains that literally go on for miles and miles. By the time that we arrived you could see the thick snow on the surrounding mountain ranges and as we got out of the bus it started to snow albeit only a very light dusting that didn't stick.
The area is also famous for its Whirling Dervishers and being on one of the ancient silk roads its Caravanserais where travellers could seek shelter from robbers and bandits roaming the area.
We stayed in one of the many cave hotels which certainly gave you a taste of what life would have been like, although the much needed central heating was probably cheating a bit. The view from the balcony as well as giving commanding views of the area also proved a good vantage point to watch the many hot air balloons who take people drifting through the valleys as the sun appears over the horizon.
All things considered a must see trip for anyone coming to Turkey although for us its the last for one for a while as we're off back to the UK!
Istanbul Boat Show
01 March 2011 | Yacht Marina, Marmaris
Still Changeable

We managed to escape some of the cold weather in the UK by flying back to Turkey on the 3rd January 2011. Fortunately it was a direct flight from Manchester to Dalaman but the pilot had to abort the landing due to a thunder storm and we spent two hours on the tarmac in Rhodes before successfully getting back on Turkish soil.
The weather over the past couple of months has been varied with fairly heavy rain and thunderstorms interspersed with sunny days, with an average high temperature of around 15-18 degrees C with lows of around 8-10 degrees. Although there have been colder snaps and the electric heater has been well used even after some days when you'd been in shorts and tee shirt earlier on!
The boat went back in the water mid January and we got into the live aboard life style, which centred around film nights, quizzes, ten pin bowling and sweating it out in the sauna. Plus of course socialising at happy hour most evenings in the bar.
Each year Yacht Marina organises a free return coach trip to the boat show in Istanbul, which can only be described as fantastic from start to finish. Especially the cruise on the Bosphorus which went up to the Black Sea and back, and included a free bar excellent food and live entertainment. They even provide fleece jackets, tee shirts and base ball caps, all we had to pay for was the three nights hotel accommodation.
So all things considered a brilliant experience!
End of Another Season
28 October 2010 | Yacht Marine
Like a British Summer Changeable

Unfortunately our immediate sailing was cut short when we had to fly back to the UK for the funeral of a close friends daughter. Rachie was only young (24 years old), suffered from diabetes and will be sadly missed, but always fondly remembered. A poem that she wrote for us has pride of place on Bruadar:
When you are sailing the open sea,
These rules will make your travels care free.
Packing is easy; you can not go wrong,
With bikinis, flip flops and a sarong.
Whichever cuisine you desire,
Never cook on board with an open fire.
And if you want a glass of wine....
Put the yacht on "auto" and you'll be fine!
Forget the hassles of travelling in cars,
when you're relaxing under the stars.
In a strong wind put up the sails,
But keep a look out for dolphins and whales.
If you start to feel a bit sick,
Put you head overboard - and make it quick!
When you go ashore and leave the yacht,
Make sure you tie the anchor's knot!
In your yacht there is a world to see,
One more thing... is there room for me?
We're now back in the Marina after fouling the prop on a lazy line and are getting ready for a lift out and flight back to the UK next month although we've also booked a return flight back to Turkey for early January.