Off to the Kimberley

17 June 2012 | Mindarie/Perth
16 June 2012 | 10nm Off Jurien Bay
14 June 2012 | off Kalbarri
10 June 2012 | Carnarvon (Fascine)
10 June 2012 | Carnarvon (Fascine)
08 June 2012 | Carnarvon
05 June 2012 | Carnarvon
05 June 2012 | Carnarvon (Fascine)
04 June 2012 | Maude's Landing
03 June 2012 | On passage back to Long Island
01 June 2012 | Montibellos
01 June 2012 | 20 miles NW of Long Island
28 May 2012 | Steamboat Island
27 May 2012 | Off Robe River
26 May 2012 | off Coolgra Point NE of Onslow
26 May 2012 | Onslow
26 May 2012 | Long (Seurrier) Island
26 May 2012 | Long Island
23 May 2012 | Long (Serrurier) Island

Another Shark Mackerel

03 June 2012 | On passage back to Long Island
We left Timouille Island, off Gladstone Point, around 3.00pm with a view to exit the Montibellos via the SE passage and then cutting through the shallow lumpy bits at the southern end until we could lay a long (70nm) line to Long Island, running down western side of Barrow Island (phew! my teachers warned me against long sentences and now you know why!)

The run through the shallow lumpy bits was fascinating, and I was glad we chose to go in daylight. We just made it into deep water as the sun settled into the sea. I was so glad that Rudi's charts were accurate, many times we could see breaking rocks close in on either side. Also a tide line was obvious with rough water on one side and calm on the other. A good place to trawl a line along but given the nature of the rocks below we declined the invitation.

An uneventful night passage, always with one or more gas platforms in view and the industrial light and magic show from Varanus and parts of Barrow.

With the coming light and on my final night watch for this leg, I decided to indulge in some fishing. An unfortunate decision on my part as I dropped Rudy's heavy reel on to my head as I tried to free mine from its storage in the sun canopy. This resulted in blood streaming down my face and I had to wake Rudy early to attend. It was quite a shock for him as he came up from his cabin to find me in apparent distress. It was not as bad as it looked, a graze above the hairline required a little haircutting and the application of lotions and a dressing. I was much better after a cup of tea!

Once recovered I did put a line in the water and snagged (another) Shark Mackerel. This was duly dispatched after verifying its keeping credentials and proved an excellent repast that night on Long Island.

My fishing bragging rights are improving markedly with the shark mackerel and topped off on the run down to Exmouth the next day when I landed a really good sized yellow fin tuna (a definite keeper!).

The photo is of Kawan anchored of Gladstone Point, Trimouille Island before we set sail for Long Island.
Vessel Name: Kawan
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 38
Hailing Port: Perth Western Australia
Crew: Crewing For Rudi on Kawan
About: Generally grumpy and needs to develop a better approach to teamwork!
Extra: Had to place my single handed plans on hold because of fuel issues on Bunyip. Now cruising with Rudi on his Lagoon 38 to the Kimberley!


Who: Crewing For Rudi on Kawan
Port: Perth Western Australia