Last Dog Watch
16 June 2012 | 10nm Off Jurien Bay
We made it into Geraldton about 8.00am and tied up at the service Jetty. The overnight trip from just off Port Gregory was a good one although we arrived at the anchorages of Geraldton too early and went up and down a reciprocal until daylight allowed us to navigate safely through. In the end it was not difficult and no pots in the channel (at least not our channel!)
The day before we spotted quite a few whales which made the continuous slog more interesting. And there was still plenty of Rudy's struddle (apple this time) to tuck into.
In Geraldton our focus was to get fuel and water. The latter was no problem but all the fuel pumps require a bailey's card. The GDT yacht club I believe would have helped us out but in the end it was not necessary. This is where Rudy's charm comes into effect. He wandered up to a local cray boat skipper, refuelling and asked nicely if he would help us. Initially that was nocked back but Rudy put on one of his looks and the guy not only allowed us to use his account (in exchange for the cash of course) but came over and did all the filling himself. He was a really nice guy and typical of the people we keep meeting at the places we stop on this trip!
Right now I'm on my final dog watch, we are off Jurien and if all goes well expect to reach Mindarie around 10-12pm tonight.
We did have some excitement last night. We picked up a pot round both propellers. A nightmare situation which all ended happily. By touching the engines into reverse one at a time it all came away and we could continue. It seemed to be a freak event given the way the legs are configured aft of the rudders on this boat! Also it happened at the best time possible (if it had to happen at all) at the watch changeover, both of us were on deck at the time!
Any next update will be from terra firma I expect.