Off to the Kimberley

22 May 2012 | Exmouth
20 May 2012 | SW of Tanatabidi
19 May 2012 | 10nm NNW of Coral Bay
19 May 2012 | Mauds Landing, Coral Bay
17 May 2012 | 10nm West of Carnarvon
16 May 2012 | Shark Bay
16 May 2012 | Monkey Mia
15 May 2012 | Monkey Mia
15 May 2012 | Monkey Mia
13 May 2012 | On Passage Steep Point to Denham
11 May 2012 | 28 55 36 1214 20 59
09 May 2012 | Still in Perth
30 April 2012 | Perth WA

Arrived Safely Home

17 June 2012 | Mindarie/Perth
Just a quick note. We arrived safely back into Mindarie Marina about 11.00pm last night after a very good (motorised) run down from Geraldton.

I'll do a full retrospective over the next couple of days, as soon as the world around me stops wobbeling and we clear up Rudy's boat.

Last Dog Watch

16 June 2012 | 10nm Off Jurien Bay
We made it into Geraldton about 8.00am and tied up at the service Jetty. The overnight trip from just off Port Gregory was a good one although we arrived at the anchorages of Geraldton too early and went up and down a reciprocal until daylight allowed us to navigate safely through. In the end it was not difficult and no pots in the channel (at least not our channel!)

The day before we spotted quite a few whales which made the continuous slog more interesting. And there was still plenty of Rudy's struddle (apple this time) to tuck into.

In Geraldton our focus was to get fuel and water. The latter was no problem but all the fuel pumps require a bailey's card. The GDT yacht club I believe would have helped us out but in the end it was not necessary. This is where Rudy's charm comes into effect. He wandered up to a local cray boat skipper, refuelling and asked nicely if he would help us. Initially that was nocked back but Rudy put on one of his looks and the guy not only allowed us to use his account (in exchange for the cash of course) but came over and did all the filling himself. He was a really nice guy and typical of the people we keep meeting at the places we stop on this trip!

Right now I'm on my final dog watch, we are off Jurien and if all goes well expect to reach Mindarie around 10-12pm tonight.

We did have some excitement last night. We picked up a pot round both propellers. A nightmare situation which all ended happily. By touching the engines into reverse one at a time it all came away and we could continue. It seemed to be a freak event given the way the legs are configured aft of the rudders on this boat! Also it happened at the best time possible (if it had to happen at all) at the watch changeover, both of us were on deck at the time!

Any next update will be from terra firma I expect.

Pushing into Southerlies

14 June 2012 | off Kalbarri
We have had a rough night pushing into SW & Southerly winds , sometimes around 25-30kts with one squall touching the forty mark. But all is well although we are unlikely now to make Geraldton until Saturday morning. and we may way up the option of overnighting in Port Gregory.

In retrospect and looking at the latest forecast we would have been better waiting another day at Steep Point.

One highlight though was Rudy landing a big yellow fin tuna.

Possible move later today (Monday)

10 June 2012 | Carnarvon (Fascine)
A quick note. The weather is still changeable but it looks like we have a window to get across Shark Bay tonight and reach Steep Point in the morning.

We can then wait for things to settle further, probably late on Wednesday before the jump to Geraldton. It would be against the prevailing winds but they should be light to moderate and with a little judicious tacking we may get a reasonable run down.

This photo is of the families on the Carnarvon jetty and gives a good indication of its state.

Stir Crazy in Carnarvon

10 June 2012 | Carnarvon (Fascine)
This is a big yacht, but when your stuck waiting for weather it can get quite small! Add to that the skippers penchant for German radio and you get the picture of frayed nerves to the rhythm of umpa pa pa.

All in all were getting on quite well. I like going for long walks and Rudy enjoys the culinary arts. Talking of long walks I set off yesterday for the 1 mile jetty, a noted tourist attraction. Its a long walk along an apparently disused rail line through salmarshes. The walk itself is enjoyable and the arrival more so as you find an interesting railway museum, a viewing tower and the jetty itself.

Earlier in the day at the chinese coffee shop (only one open on Sunday, and it does a very good bacon & eggs) Rudy & I commented on the lack of tourists in Carnarvon, probably put off by the shires decision to rip up all the main streets during the primary tourist season!

Well I found the tourists! they were all at the 1 mile jetty. Families fishing, couples going for walks and a few more serious fisho types. The car park was almost full, and when I walked up I was pleased to see a nice little coffee shop just before the jetty built into a railway carriage, just the ticket I said to myself! On inspecting the sign at the door it advertised the opening hours as 7 days a week between 9.00am and 5.00pm. I must have arrived on the 8th day because the place was firmly shut! the sign must refer to an alternate reality where businesses open to serve the public and make a little money! The tram/train to the end of the jetty and back was also on its day off.

Anyway, enough already, I ventured onto the jetty and made my way to the end using every opportunity to catch a photograph. The jetty is somewhat dilapidated but clearly volunteer organisations are doing their best to keep it going. One feels though that one good cyclone could finish it off! so its just as well I got the photos's

This photo is from the viewing tower and shows the jetty and the activity along it.

Culinary Update: Rudy is making a Cherry Strudle and bemoaning the fact that we have no Kirsch to finish off the custard properly. Oh the compromises one must make when sailing the west coast!

Waiting for Weather

08 June 2012 | Carnarvon
Just a quick update. We have been in Carnarvon now since Wednesday morning, when we made an exciting entry into the Facsine at first light against 30-40 knot winds.

We are now waiting for an opportunity to cut across to Steep Point and then down to Geraldton.

Right now we will try and get a better spot in the Fascine to deal with tonights expected gales!

Sorry we missed you steve, we were in Coral Bay only for a few hours before deciding to push through to Carnarvon, and glad we did.

As for Magda's offer of berth on Smiley, I'm sure Rudy will give it serious consideration!
Vessel Name: Kawan
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 38
Hailing Port: Perth Western Australia
Crew: Crewing For Rudi on Kawan
About: Generally grumpy and needs to develop a better approach to teamwork!
Extra: Had to place my single handed plans on hold because of fuel issues on Bunyip. Now cruising with Rudi on his Lagoon 38 to the Kimberley!


Who: Crewing For Rudi on Kawan
Port: Perth Western Australia