Into The Fog
10 November 2017
We left Oriental at 8:45a.m. into the fog with running and steaming lights and the radar on. We followed the ICW down Adam's Creek off of the Neuse River. The fog burned off and the sun came out, but we can tell that the temperature has dropped. We motor with the tide past waterfront homes. We have a reservation at the Moorehead City Yacht Basin. I wish we could get farther but this is the best place to get into a marina before it gets colder tonight. Grant and Diane called to see if we want to go somewhere for lunch when we get in. The wind picks up to about 20 kts. as we enter the channel into the marina. It is an easy docking as we are blown onto the T head. I quickly realize though that this means it will not be easy to get off the dock in these winds. Diane and Grant are at a marina just across the road. They have been working on cleaning their fuel. They meet us and we all walk to Floyd's for lunch. We catch up on their adventures with the Coast Guard. The food is great and as a marina guest we received a free dessert. Great....just what we needed! We have eaten at some great places lately. I received a call from Karen and Ron (Compromise). They were looking for a place to get in out of the cold and wind. They were concerned about their anchor holding. When we returned from lunch, Compromise was on the dock. After we had showers we stopped at Compromise to catch up with them. They have been in an anchorage and haven't heard from Dave and Sue on Believe since they parted ways two days ago. We are all happy to be on a dock with shore power with this wind and cold. The heat feels so good when we get back to the boat. The winds have picked up to 30+ kts. and We are pinned to the dock. We settle in for the night. Sure hope that Believe has found a safe port.