19 June 2018 | Coyote Point Marina
01 October 2013 | S.F. Ca
24 September 2013 | Morro Bay, Ca.
09 July 2012 | same 'ol place
17 May 2011 | Still at Home
03 July 2010 | Drooling on the floor
17 June 2010 | computer printer
02 June 2010 | by the pool
24 May 2010 | front porch
06 April 2010 | dry dock... LoL
01 April 2010 | the many pages of the sales sheet
21 January 2010 | Pacific
13 January 2010 | Pacific
12 October 2009 | monterey
09 October 2009 | Monterey
18 August 2009 | on the deck
15 July 2009 | office of the broker
Where has all the time gone?
19 June 2018 | Coyote Point Marina
dennis / clear
I stumbled upon my blog posting in an old email dated May 6, 2010. Unbelievable. It's been just over 8 years since my last blog entry.
I'm still thinking of a cat and exploring the world... diving and sailing... I'm 62 now and wonder how many more years are left in these 'sails' of mine.
The daughter has been to Belize with her BF and they spent a week diving and doing the vacation thing. She also did the Hawaii diving thing when a family member of her BF had a family reunion of sorts over there and got them a ticket.
I've been dealing with legal law suit issues that require my constant attention during this long lasting litigation if I'm ever to win this thing. As we all know the legal wheels of justice turn pretty slow. I'm not letting these bastards get away with this so I'm in it to win it.
I'm living alone now, working a lot at building my business and getting a cash flow income set up to live on should the opportunity arise to get on that cat and sail.
Hopefully it won't be another 8 years until my next post.
Until then, fingers crossed.
fair winds and easy seas.
working on OTHER peoples' boats!
01 October 2013 | S.F. Ca
Capt Dennis
Well, sometimes opportunity knocks in mysterious ways and this is just another mystery it would seem. A friend of mine has a boat, a Pearson 424 (old, really old... lol) and just doesn't have time to do the work quick enough to actually make much progress so I said, "Hey, I can do that for ya..." and so the story begins.
I work a few days and take a few off for my stuff but this is a major refit job. I'm jumping in right in the middle. The past couple of days were met with engine installation (A NEW Yanmar!), electrical replacment, raw water strainer relocation, new hoses, lots of new paint inside the engine compartment and a fresh propane storage locker.
There's a LOT more to do so I'm thinking this might be 'job security' in my book! lol
I was able to meet Wayne and his wife and Bill (friend of the group) onboard Capricorn Cat, who are leaving in a day or two for Mexico and the Baja-Ha-Ha race event! (Lucky bastards...) anyway. That cat of theirs is a sight to behold... certainly deceiving from the outside but a mansion from the inside! Awesome work and a handful to maintain as well I'm sure and it sure looks like Wayne keeps it in mint condition. I could only hope to achieve his level of detail attention. This is what you dream of one day obtaining... freedom.
Anyway, here's a shot of Cap Cat for ya.
Birthday trip
24 September 2013 | Morro Bay, Ca.
Capt Dennis
The three day weekend started early, like Thursday morning at the crack of dawn early! Driving for 5-1/2 hours south I ended up at Morro Bay and dropped the Kayak in the bay and paddled up-river (!) to the far end of the estuary, that just happened to be where Rich & Lori of S/V Third Day were moored. I didn't know that so I actually paddled from one end of the bay nearest the outlet all the way to the other end against the outflowing tidal current! LOL
So much for thinking before getting in the water... but next time...
Anyway, I spent awhile aboard visiting with Rich and the family and then headed up town to a favorite spot recommended by Rich (The infamous Mexico Taco cart expert!) for dinner... Tacos de Mexico... and let me tell you it was worth it. Awesome plate dinner and the beer was ice cold. Fantastic way to end a day.
The next day I rolled out early and headed to the beach with the metal detector. Yes I found some cool stuff but no diamond or gold jewelry. Darn it...
So on Saturday morning I headed back to the bay nearer to The Third Day but Rich had already left to take care of some business in Bakersfield so I just paddled out thru the flats and enjoyed the morning fog and light drizzle with a hot cup of coffee and some very vocal sea lions. Packing up at noon and heading back ending a great mini-birthday-vacation trip to the coast.
another day in hell, another one in paradise
09 July 2012 | same 'ol place
As I read a blog from a fellow cruiser member, Rich Boren of Third Day, I find myself staring at the screen in disbelief that my dream has been draggin' along for over 4 yrs now. The excitement of every day getting closer and closer to a cruising date allowed me to keep hammering along on the daily grind stuff, thinking to myself that soon, maybe next month, maybe next year, and now... maybe never... I would realize the experience of cruising out-water and making a few dive spots in the Caribbean or South Pacific islands a notation in my dive log book. Rich and Lori and the kids have been living the life aboard their (first 32' Pearson I think it was and now a 52' Hudson) family sailboat and have come to the end of their planned stay away from the states, checking out practically every taco stand on the coast of Mexico and the Sea of Cortez. Now as they are scheduled to return stateside, I find my plans are just wispy thoughts that we're wishful thinking and have basically resigned myself to the hum-drum life here on land, never to see the deck of my catamaran.
As I write this paragraph, I feel this blog is coming to an end and although I wrote several hopeful entries trying to motivate myself and my direction in life to fulfill my dreams of semi-world travel via sailboat, the economy, the housing slump of 2010-2011 put a damper on all of those thoughts. Nothing short of a big winning lottery ticket will allow me to see those dream days materialize. I followed many sites where in I scoped out several boats that seemingly fit my preconceived idea of what I needed and did many calculations with the price, real estate sales, working and saving and tried to arrive at a way to have enough funds to make it all work. Alas, nothing I can do now will be enough and as life creeps away I feel a disappointment inside that won't go away and on occasion a trip to the coast and a walk in the marina will have to suffice. As I walk among the boats and sailors and their families and read the blog posts here of those that got out, I will again share their travels and dream the dream that got away.
listed the property...
25 August 2011 | home
Capt Dennis
OK, finally caught up on the summer jobs required to make me happy when it's raining cats & dogs outside and the temps drop into the 30's and below. Been hauling wood for the fireplace lately and after someone stole my big saw, I've been forced to make do with a little 'limbing' saw. Hardly the right tool for the job but I got it done.
One fence line still requires the final tie-in and the beatup, falling down 60 yr old barn needs removed and the ground smoothed out for a new building to spring up. A little more clean up out back and removing an old doughboy pool is top priority before the rains come. The old farmers' almanac says we're in for an early winter so whether or not they right this year or not, I'm not taking any chances.
If all goes good maybe, just maybe I can see things getting back on schedule by next spring.
Cross your fingers....
rains are over, summer is here...
07 June 2011 | homefront
Capt Dennis
OK, I've been thinking (which in my condition is dangerous..) that if you do any of the things I outline below, it just might be time to seriously think about getting that boat and start a cruising lifestyle... here they are...from experience.... (LOL)
1- you start listening to seafaring music instead of the talk radio shows as you drive to work in the morning and elsewhere.
2- you go the grocery store and slowly cruise thru the mexican food and asian food section and pretend you're shopping at a store in the Carribbean.
3- you're asked how much further when taking a road trip with the family and you start talking about compass bearings to destination and distances in nautical miles.
4- you start keeping a diary of what you WOULD be doing if you were out there cruising, complete with maps, google coordinates, etc.
5- you take more trips to the river and lake with your dive gear and just try to pretend it's a 'night dive' in the Carribbean instead of a day dive in the poor visibility lake water.
6- you eat more often at the taco truck and pretend it's a taco stand in mexico.
7- you catch yourself listening to the VHF radio instead of watching sit coms on TV.
8- you catch yourself saving those dive magazines and reading them over and over.
9- your library of books have more titles concerning boats and cruising than home repairs and car maintenance.
10- you have "Anchor Alert" and "Earth NC" apps on your phone... and use them when you park your car at the shopping center or mall!
11- your games of choice on the computer aren't Call of Duty or Tears of War, they're "Sailing" games, played at the blistering pace of less than 10 mph.
12- you have more message board accounts concerning sailing and boats than other stuff.
13- your 'inbox' has advertisments from the moorings and sunsail in the "saved" folder.
14- you keep cruising the wanted ads on the various boat sales web sites looking for that perfect boat that has all the things you think you want at half the price you know it'll cost you.
15- your screensavers on your computer(s) are more like postcards from the Carribbean, without snow or mountains.
16- you hear music from Eric Stone on the radio and actually recognize which album or CD it was from!
17- you really know how to celestial navigate although you've never been far from land lately.
18- you have a sextant, and know how to use it.
19- you have a VHF ships radio license and a Restricted Radio Operators license and a VHF radio with your own MMSI number registered.
20- you have insurance quotations for a boat you don't own yet.
21- you have more friends online that are out there cruising already than you have on the mainland.
22- you have the movies "waterworld" and "Wind" in your DVD collection and actually watch them sometimes.
23- your bank accounts have ATM cards that are accepted around the world.
24- you have some of your stuff already relocated to your 'kids' places' for when you return from cruising or visit on the holidays.
25- you can score a 70% or higher on any portion of the test for your Captains' 6-Pack or 100 Ton license in the study manual and program.
26- you think if you'll have this much room on the boat, when standing in the shower at home.
27- ... you get the drift... (no pun intended. LOL)
Catchup Time
17 May 2011 | Still at Home
Well, for the few that follow this blog... it really sucks huh? Here its' been almost 3 years since I felt I was in a good position to make the final turn in life and buy a nice mono-hull for around $80-100K like a Beneteau or Hunter or even a MacGregor 65, but after looking at some beautiful Catamarans, I had a change of heart and even a smallish 38' Cat was double the cost of a mono-hull of the same size. After looking at all the usual places, like Catamarans.com and ApolloDuck I found several that were right at 200K, which was about twice what I was able to spend and have any cash left over for the necessary stuff like insurance, registration, repairs or updates, even the usual stuff to just get floating...like food into the galley, fuel/oil, spare parts, etc.
I figured I was going to spend about $100K on the boat, have $80-100K left to do with what I had to and keep the rest as the cruising kitty. Ain't it great how the crash of the real estate market changes everything?
Now, since I was laid off in Sept of '10 and haven't got any prospects for a money making job currently I'm afraid the long time 20 year dream of crusing and diving is on hold. I'm still waiting and watching for any opening in my sitution that would allow me to move forward but in the end, I might just have to lower my sights and go for it... after all Dec 21, 2012 is coming fast.
OMG, I found it...
03 July 2010 | Drooling on the floor
Capt Dennis
OK, here it is! Finally found the Cat that is THE cat for us. It not only has the room for the other half, bigger cabin, it also has the space for stuff. Stuff like the machine shop tools needed, the research and lab space to set up. and... lots of room for dive equipment. High engine hours but I can rebuild a diesel in my sleep and it'll only cost the price of parts if necessary and the outside labor for machine work I don't have machines to do, like deck the blocks, hot tank the thing or align bore the mains and cam bearing bores... all IF necessary. The remaining things on this vessel are outstanding. This aint your average charter tug, no sir! This is a well maintained and upgraded cruiser owned by a family and used by a family for cruising. Now to arange a personal visit.
boat card
17 June 2010 | computer printer
Capt Dennis
just thought I'd post the boat card to see how it looked.
"how easy it is..."
02 June 2010 | by the pool
Capt Dennis
Here's a little ditty I dreamed up while reflecting on all the things on my list of things which are on the other lists of things to do before I can do the things on the list that I want to do....
Here I sit - Relaxing after work. It's so easy - everyday life is NOT hard.
First... Alarm goes off - wake up - get out of bed - simple - certainly not hard.
Then... Get dressed - again -a no brainer. Walk outside to the truck - simple.
Key in - turn - drop in gear - right pedal - simple. Certianly not hard to do.
At work... computer keys, phone calls, make crap - simple - every other Thursday - collect a check and give it all away - a bill at a time. Simple - Again. Stop for lunch - a tank of gas - back home - mow the grass - simple - any kid could do it. Blow the leaves - vacuum the pool, nothin to it - how easy it is...
Wash the clothes - the truck, the dog - every day - just like the last - once a month go to the po box and get the next issue of blue water sailing or ocean news or sport diver or whatever - spend the next few minutes dreaming of of going to all the pretty places other than right here.
Dream the wishful dream - try to imagine life without a job - without a schedule - without an appointment - a phone - a truck - a mortgage or insurnace bill or even a lawn to mow!
How easy it is...
...and just look how easy it is to think that next year or next month or next week I'll start working on getting that sailboat & cruising places I only see in books. How easy it is - to just wake up every day and think that tomorrow will be any different than today. Life as you want it to be is certainly NOT easy.