A Journey of 1000 miles
24 February 2015 | Heading towards the Equator
Heidi Love
A lifelong dream begins as we sail towards the Galapagos. Last night the sky was alight with hundreds of stars and a golden crescent moon that hung so low it looked like we could sail over and touch it. By midnight the moon had set and the sea was ink black highlighted only by 1 meter bright white frothy waves, bubbling with phosphorescence. We are sailing near a second boat, a 44' ketch with great friends Mark and Eileen. We can see the red light of their mast behind us and it's comforting to know they are only a few miles away. The winds have been steady at about 15 - 20 knots, with gusts close to 25 knots from the North and sailing is beautiful. We've averaged over 6.5 knots with one stint racing ahead at 9.4 (when Heidi had a bit of a challenge trying to reef while Dennis slept). Anyway we've covered nearly 150 miles of our 1,000 mile stretch and Centime continue to prove to be an amazing bluewater sailboat. Thank you all for your support, and if you see the moon tonight or any night this week, think of us and know that we're seeing it too!