Sailing Centime

Heidi Love & Dennis Jud

22 October 2016 | Seattle, WA
21 October 2016 | Seattle, WA
18 August 2015 | Taha'a, Coral Gardens
17 August 2015 | Taha'a, Coral Gardens - part 2
17 July 2015 | Taha'a
16 July 2015 | Taha'a Part 2
15 July 2015 | Taha'a Part 3
06 July 2015 | Moorea
03 July 2015 | Moorea
02 July 2015
01 July 2015 | Moorea, FP
29 June 2015 | South Fakarava, French Polynesia
28 June 2015 | South Fakaava
26 June 2015 | South Fakarava, French Polynesia
23 June 2015 | Fakarava, French Polynesia
21 June 2015 | Fakarava Atoll - North
10 June 2015 | Makemo, Tuamotus
04 June 2015 | Bay of Virgins, Fatu Hiva, Marquesas, French Polynesia
21 May 2015 | Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva

The Perfect Backstroke

26 March 2015 | Isla Isabela
Isabela’s magic is irresistible. We’re on anchor in a peaceful harbor with a rough and jagged natural wall of black volcanic stone to our side. On the wall sit dozens of blue-footed boobies with the brightest blue feet imaginable. There are also prehistoric-looking iguanas, two and three foot long, black and camouflaged. Between the wall and our boat is a pure aqua blue channel that supports a myriad of amazing creatures, including giant stingrays five or six feet across.

This morning, after a radiant sunrise, I cleaned Centime’s waterline from the dingy. As I pried the dark green algae loose, three one-foot long, striking, black and white fish came over for breakfast. Next three cute black and white penguins swam by. Five minutes later a wave pushed the dingy a foot way from the boat. I hung there half suspended with my hand in the water, lying on the pontoon, when a sea lion swam around me. He had a perfect backstroke, chin and head high out of the water, slowly swimming by, stretching his neck to look up at me from his upside down position. He swam around and around for fifteen minutes or more, eyeing me and frolicking around the dingy. Can’t stop smiling.
Vessel Name: Centime
Vessel Make/Model: 43.6 LOA Shearwater 39
Hailing Port: Portland, Maine
Crew: Heidi Love and Dennis Jud
Centime's Photos - Main
Panama, so far, then into the Pacific
No Photos
Created 25 December 2014
Random shots of our adventure so far in the Caribbean, plus some from before we left and on the way to Tortola.
18 Photos
Created 22 February 2012
From landlubbers to Cruisers in the making
3 Photos
Created 4 February 2012