06 April 2015 | "A journey of 1,000 miles..."
1400 Local / 2100 GMT Last night a bright full red moon came up over a black-as-night sea - what a treat for Easter. We've been at sea for a full week and have sailed just over 1,000 miles. We had a slightly challenging start with a few squalls, winds up to 35 knots and seas up to 10 feet, but Centime took it all in stride. She is a great ocean sailor.
There are about 7 sailboat crews within a 200 mile distance of us (some as close as 16 miles) who talk and report their positions each day. One boat Wavelength has been sailing with us for 4 years and left Virginia, Panama, Grenada and the Galapagos with us. They are currently 16 miles ahead and all is well on board. We sail at different speeds and chose slightly different routes about 900 miles ago; who would believe here they are so close to us again. Eileen and Mark invited us over for Easter Brunch...if only we could catch up with them - haha. If any of their family members or friends read this please send a few lines to us that we can relay - we all love to have connections out here.
Also anyone reading this generous enough to send us a few lines or paragraphs of texts, we would love to her from you. (Just delete our text, and don't add signature lines, graphics, attachments, ccs or bccs - thanks.)
Highlights for week one: -Being out here and doing this, I have to pinch myself to realize where I am. It is a challenge for me for sure. -Two distinct pods of dolphin cavorting around Centime, and also a group of about 10 small whales migrating NE -Amazing changing vistas of sea, sky, stars, moon and even rainbows across this expansive ocean. -The deep red moon on the black sea I mentioned earlier is also worth listing here. -The look on Dennis' face as a giant rogue wave of cold ocean water crashed our sleeping berth in the middle of the night over his mostly exposed sleeping body - not fun at the time, but an interesting scene that we will one day laugh about. -Logging 168 nautical miles today across a vast sun-filed sea. It might be our fasted single day ever - yea! -The feeling of being alone in this vast ocean, yet connected to so many friends, family members and supporters around the world is heartwarming. Thank you Thank you.
Later today, after a delayed Easter dinner enjoying chocolate, there is a full double rainbow, the brightest I have ever seen. The colors are shimmering and look as though they are being poured into the sea. The reflections at the rainbow's bottom stretch almost close enough to touch them - wow!
Stay tuned as the journey continues