09 April 2015 | "The Farthest Away from Land on Earth"
1300 Local / 2000 GMT Unbelievable. We have reached the halfway point between the Galapagos and the Marquesas in French Polynesia - YeeHaa! We are also near the one point on earth that is the farthest away from any landmass in any direction ... roughly 1144 miles.
I'm happy to see the "miles remaining" on the decline and long to arrive. I can't wait for a baguette, some French cheese and a glass - make that a bottle - of French wine and some clean, dry, non-salty pants. The sailing has been quite the adventure; no gales, however we have had some higher than typical seas and a few squalls.
We have a buddy boat Wavelength who is doing really well and are about 100 miles ahead of us. We talk daily on a radio net we established for safety and weather updates, and now about 8 more boats have joined. Our closest boat is about 40 miles away and we haven't seen anyone for nearly a week.
This has been a huge undertaking for me and I look forward to celebrating. All is well on board, Centime is at her best, Captain Dennis is amazing, the sun is out today and we have had some fabulous sun and moon - sets and rises, vibrant rainbows and the brightest stars and planets I have ever seen. Stay tuned as the journey continues. COG 255 magnetic-rhumb line; speed 7.1 knots