13 April 2015 | "An ant on a toothpick"
Heidi Love
1400 Local / 2100 GMT Every clear night I see a single bright planet, low in the west northwest sky, which lights a path for Centime to sail by. Last night there were more stars then I have ever seen. The whole sky was alight with thousands of stars. And, late at night, the waning moon appears.
The weather has changed to more typical trade wind sailing, sunny with a moderate breeze from behind. We seem to be easing our way forward one nautical mile at a time. With less than a thousand to go we hope for landfall in roughly one week.
It is an interesting journey. The first week was a workout with a few squalls and high seas. Week two offered us confused and rolling seas, hitting us from two directions at the same time. It was a bit challenging to keep up on minimal sleep, meals, sail changes, boat fixes and maintenance, which are all sorely needed at sea. The conditions over the last couple of days have improved beautifully, and the forecast ahead looks promising.
I often feel like an ant on a toothpick out here. The most overwhelming feeling I have is how small I am, we are, each of us in this world, and how precious each moment of life is. I am grateful for family and friends and all of our supporters who are journeying with us in spirit. I am humbled.
We very much welcome text emails to our sailmail, it's a bit lonely at times and I miss all of you.
Stay tuned as the journey continues. COG 265 magnetic-rhumb line; speed 5.8 knots.
PS For those following our buddy boat Wavelength, she's sailing great and I suspect will arrive a day in front of us. Eileen has become the best net controller too keeping radio contact with about 10 boats spread out over hundreds of miles. We are all lusting after French baguettes, wine and terra firma.