Beach Exploring and Boat Jobs
11 February 2019 | Pinta Bay
Happy birthday to Mark's dad, on the other side! Last night we watched the first Spiderman movie. Not sure I had ever seen it before. Didn't really like the plot too much, especially the ending. It was cold in our cabin. The temperatures really dropped overnight. Our salon was only 66 degrees. Mark got up around 7:30 and set my tens machine. I upped the strength a couple of times. Then we both had cereal and banana for breakfast. Then Mark did the engine checks. He also launched the dinghy. I made a phone call to Chris, as I knew she was going to volunteer tonight for Michael Bolton. I am missing some great shows! Got into the dinghy and headed to one of the two beaches on shore. Beautiful rocks all around the massive hills. Rocks also embedded in the hills between the many trees and bushes. Noticed a couple of spider webs with spiders inside. They had some blue and yellow. I kept my distance in case they were jumpers. Walked back and forth around the sandy rocky edges of the bay. There were some very large rocks on shore. One in particular had a tree trunk squashed in-between another rock. Did some connections touching the rocks. There were many people living on that hill. I could see big galleons coming into this bay and area...maybe charting them. I know that I was on one of the boats in that lifetime. With this area still being park land, it would have looked very similar. Mark enjoyed his walk too. Then we walked the dinghy into deeper water and I got in. Mark pulled us further and then we both paddled some to deeper water. Then we motored back to Charabia.
Mark talked to Jim, who is celebrating Deb's birthday today, with Dan & Sue, her brother and sister-in-law who are in Jax. I tried a few other calls. David Cawton answered. He was out for happy hour at Marker 32 in Jax! Wish we were there too! Hauled anchor around 10:30 am and motored further inland to Pinta Bay. It took us less than an hour to get to Pinta Bay. There were three mooring balls with one open. So, that was good news. There was a Lagoon Cat on one and a trawler on the other. Both of them left shortly after we got our lines secured on the mooring ball. Heated up last night's dinner leftovers for lunch. Yum! We shared some beef with potatoes, carrots, asparagus, onions and red peppers with fajita seasoning. After lunch, we both were on our wifi devices. I found a Youtube that had more of an explanation on how to use the TENS machine. Mark watched it too. Mark also checked out Rice's new football recruits. Then Mark started some of our boat jobs. First he worked on the starboard head. He found a crustacean inside the valve, blocking the flow. He was able to clean it out and then worked on the window trim in the starboard engine room. I worked on cleaning the hatches from the deck. Mark helped at the end. We were out in the sun but the breeze kept me from being too hot. However, Mark was hot and wanted to jump in the water. I said I didn't want to go in without my snorkel gear. We took our scrubbers, too. Mark cleaned both props and rudders. I worked on the outside port hull and some of the inside port hull. I wore my full face snorkel and it fogged up so I really couldn't see very much. Mark said he saw a lot of small fish eating the stuff I was scraping off. There definitely was a layer of growth and we scrubbed it not that long ago. Got out and showered. Then decided to get in the dinghy and explore this bay and the next one too. Could see some water spilling down the rocks at the end of our bay. Took a few pictures but didn't go ashore as it was high tide and only a tiny beach was visible. As we dinghied out our bay, we stopped and had a lovely conversation with Janet on her sailboat, Palana, She lives in Melbourne and is new to sailing but sailed solo from Pittwater. Kudos for a great job! Dinghied to the next bay with huge rocks overlooking the channel. We saw several kids jumping off the rocks last time we were here. I told Mark I would stay with the dinghy and he could climb up and jump off. However, he refused. Not sure if I would be brave enough to do that. Headed back to the boat and had a short rest as it was already after 4pm. Mark enjoyed his sg&t. Had some taco chips with humus. Dinner will be light tonight.
The sun is still shining. The breeze is cool, but the sun is very hot. As another day draws to a close, we are getting closer to having the boat ready to import and sell. Thanks for all the emails and messages. Thanks for keeping in touch!!