Sea Princess Last Sea Day - 07/08/19
08 July 2019 | North Sea

Slept in this morning. Woke up several times. Finally got up and got dressed. Watched some tv. Then headed to Deck 14, Lido, for breakfast. Just had fruit, yogurt and cereal. Mark had some fruit and an omelet with bacon and hash browns. When we finished, we took a drink back to the room. The wind was howling and quite cold as we walked out on the front of our deck. Mark was trying to get a position for our Garmin. We didn't last very long as it was cold and we didn't have our jackets with us. Mark booked us some hotel rooms while in England. Watched part of a movie. Started getting things ready to pack up our cabin. We had a late lunch in the Deck 6, Traviata Dining Room. We got a lovely table by the window and had it all to ourselves. It must have been the end of their lunch time. Mark had the steak sandwich while I had turkey and veggies. After lunch, we headed back to the room. Our internet ran out so Mark booked us another day. He worked on more bookings for us. Then we headed to the Atrium for the final Ryder Cup challenge. At this point the boat was rocking pretty good. It was a difficult hole, but I managed to beat Mark. They did an award ceremony. Happy for Eileen, who came in 3rd place. We bought one of pictures that were taken with all the Ryder Cup passengers. Headed back to our cabin. Mark continued to do our bookings while I showered. He also showered and we both got dressed for our final dinner in the Rigoletto Dining room. Ian and Beverly were at the table when we got there. We all ordered before Greg and Maxine arrived. It was a lovely final get-together with lots of hugs and kisses. We came back to our cabin and started packing. We decided to set one of our bags to things we need on the cruise and not while we tour England. So, Mark found a place in South Hampton that will store our suitcase until our Queen Mary II cruise day. He was not able to pre-book tickets to the F1 Practice day as it would not accept our Florida address online. We pretty much have our days planned out in England. We checked and the temperature will only be in the 60's so another cold country for us to visit. We finished packing and headed down to the Princess Theater to watch the singers and dancers perform. They sang a lot of Neil Diamond songs, including, Coming to America. Enjoyed our time with our fellow passengers for our last show time on the Sea Princess. We stopped at the casino to get our credits off our ship card. We played some roulette and then played a machine or two. No big wins for our last day. Thanks to everyone for the emails and messages. We are delayed on our arrival to Dover, due to some engine issue over night. It was a technical issue with our propulsion motor, which they resolved. We will arrive at 9:45 instead of 7 am. There are over 400 passengers getting off and some of them are not making their planes. Enjoy your day!