England - 07/12/19
12 July 2019 | Leicestershire, England

Woke up around 7 today. Showered and got dressed. Watched some tv in our room. Caught up on the internet. Mark has mentioned a few times that this hotel reminds him of the British Hurlingham Club in the city where he grew up in Argentina. Our hotel is like a private castle. Breakfast was included, so we walked around the hotel to the dining area. Enjoyed our breakfast. It was wet outside, so it must have rained over night. We tried, yet again, to get tickets to Silverstone's F1 Practice today. However, they published that the tickets were all sold out. So, we changed our plans today. Our waiter suggested visiting the Richard III Museum in Leicester. Mark watched some of today's F1 practice on our room tv. We could see some rain at the track. We headed to Leicester, which was about 15 miles from the hotel. This city was quite large compared to the tiny towns we have visited lately. We parked on a street close to the museum and were able to get a parking tag from the machine. First, we had to find a shop with some coins to exchange our bills, as the machine only took coins. We enjoyed our visit to this museum. Apparently, Richard III was killed in a battle several miles from here. His soldiers were on the losing end of the battle. They transported his body to Leicester, where he was buried. That was hundreds of years ago and eventually the town built a parking lot over it. Someone did a lot of research and narrowed down his location. There was something published stating that he was buried in an Earl's garden, but over the years that property was sold. In 2012, they were successful in recovering the body. DNA testing was used. They even computer generated his head using the recovered skull. The museum had a lot of history. It was an enjoyable visit. After we were done, Mark added some more money into the parking meter. I wanted to find a place that did acrylic nails, so they will look good for the cruise. I had to wait for my turn as the waiting room was full. Mark took advantage of my down time to find a barber. However, there were too many people waiting there and he changed his mind. After I was done, we headed next door to Five Guys for lunch. Walked around a multi story mall which was built into some very old buildings. Mark found a Boots Drug store, which he remembered from Canada, and bought us some throat lozenges. We went back to the shop to see if they had any Stugeron. We have carried this brand of sea sickness pills for years on our sailboats. We bought a couple of boxes to take home. It is only sold in British countries. We drove back to the hotel around 3:30 pm. Mark took a nap. I was watching some Wimbledon tennis finals. We are nearby the stadium. Have not watched any tennis in many years. We decided to get some exercise and headed out to the many trails around this hotel. We followed the path out thru some forested areas. There were beautiful flowers along the way. The sun was shining and the temperature was over 75 degrees. However, there was a cool breeze and I was glad to have worn my sweater. It was nice to get some walking exercise. We found the entrance to the theater that is part of this hotel. Nothing is played for several weeks. They advertised some great one-night bookings that are coming up. Mark found another pub, closer to the hotel. We drove over to the Black Horse. The parking lot was full, so we had to park up the street. No one worried about parking permits there. We shared a pizza for dinner. Then we headed back to the hotel. We watched some more tennis on tv. We were told that the many people around this hotel were attending a Murder Mystery dinner and show. It sounded like something that would have interested us, but it was sold out. Mark also asked if they had any available rooms for tomorrow night, but was told that the entire hotel was booked for a wedding. It is definitely a stunning place. We are doing research on our upcoming plans. Thanks for the many emails and messages. We are driving to Nottingham tomorrow. Can't wait to meet up with my cousins who I haven't see in a very long time. Enjoy your day!!