s/v Charabia

05 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
04 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
03 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
02 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
01 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
31 August 2019 | Fredericksburg, Virginia
31 August 2019 | Madison, Connecticut
29 August 2019 | Park Ridge, New Jersey
28 August 2019 | Annapolis, Maryland
28 August 2019 | Huddleton, Virginia
26 August 2019 | Charlotte, North Carolina
25 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
24 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
23 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
22 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
21 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
20 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
19 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
18 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
17 August 2019 | Fairmont, West Virginia

England - 07/13/19

13 July 2019 | Forest of Arden, England
The alarm went off at 7 am. We caught up with today's news and weather report. It was supposed to be 24C today. We showered and dressed and then headed to the dining room. Today, there were lots of other guests in the dining room, plus the adjacent private dining area. Mark and I both had an egg, bacon and toast meal. I asked if they would cook mine very well. However, it came as a fried egg that looked to be cooked only on one side. So, I sent it back and asked them to cook it longer. It came back brand new and in the same condition, so I really didn't eat it. They had some fried bread, which actually tasted like bread crumbs, so I didn't eat it either. They also had several types of fresh fruits and cereals to offer for breakfast. After breakfast, we headed back to our room and got packed up to leave. It was around 9 before we headed to Nottingham. We were a little early, so we stopped by the Nottingham Castle, only to find it was under construction until next year. We got to see some of the statues and plaques, but that was it. Then we drove to The Railway restaurant. Imelda, Lorraine and John were already there. It was so nice to meet up with our cousins that we haven't seen in way too many years. We caught up over a very delicious lunch. Then just as we were wrapping up, Imelda, who walks with a cane, fell on the hardwood floors. Luckily, there was a doctor in the table next to us, who helped out. An ambulance was called and we waited until she was safely loaded in and off to the hospital. We found out later that she needed to wait for a ct scan to see if there was any damage in her neck. We said good-bye to John & Lorraine and drove towards Southampton, to a hotel that Mark had already booked in Forest of Arden. We didn't realize this was a golfing paradise. There were many golfers on the course and in the hotel area. We went for a walk on their trail, but it was quite overgrown with long branches with thorns. We decided to head back to the hotel and check it out. They had a huge indoor pool, work out room and at least two restaurant/cafes. We enjoyed a bite to eat at the cafe. Then got changed into our swim suits and headed to the pool area. They had a hot tub, sauna and steam room as well as a pool. We tried them all out. The sauna was 80C. We didn't stay too long since the facilities were closing at 10 pm. Headed back to our room and showered. Caught up on emails and messages. Thanks for sending them our way. We plan to get an early start tomorrow, heading to Southampton. We need to retrieve our suitcase and return our rental car and board the Queen Mary II after lunch. As we drove up to the hotel, we noticed a sign to watch out for peacocks. Then we remembered that yesterday, a peacock ran across our path as we drove back to the Kilworth House. We stopped and ran out with my camera to get a picture. However, the peacock ran away at great speed and I didn't get a picture at all. Our time in England has flown by. We packed so much into our days here.
Vessel Name: Charabia
Vessel Make/Model: Fountaine Pajot / Athena
Hailing Port: Jacksonville, FL
Crew: Mark &Helen
We are both computer folks that were live aboard cruisers back in the 90s. We settled in Jacksonville Florida after escaping the great white north and cruising the Bahamas, T&C, DR and points south down to Trinidad. [...]
Extra: Charabia is a French slang word for nonsense or gibberish. It derives from Arabic "sharab" which means alcohol.When you drink (too much) alcohol, you start talking Charabia. The original owners named her and Mark liked the name so it stuck.
Charabia's Photos - Main
Photos 1 to 20 of 20
Nov 2017 trip south from Jacksonville
9 Photos
Created 23 August 2018
Upgrades and maintenance to Charabia
79 Photos
Created 27 June 2017
72 Photos
Created 16 May 2015
46 Photos
Created 15 May 2015
72 Photos
Created 7 April 2015
95 Photos
Created 4 April 2015
106 Photos
Created 31 March 2015
Get the boat ready to cruise.
10 Photos
Created 14 March 2015