Ashore in Liverpool - 07/16/19
16 July 2019 | Mersey River

We woke up around 7:30 but tried to sleep a bit more. We could get off the ship any time, but most of the tourist places would not open early. So, we took our time. Got up and dressed and headed to Deck 7, Lido, for breakfast. We each had omelets. Drank lots of orange juice today, trying to fight off my sinus cold. We vacated our cabin just after 9 am. The cabin staff was ready to let in the maintenance staff to repair the flooring in our cabin. There was a noticeable dip and I was afraid of tripping and falling. We walked down to Deck 2, but still had to go one more deck down in order to get to the gang plank. It was a good walk to get to the floating dock and over to shore. They had a few areas with locks. We were told that the tides are around 25 feet and on both sides of the Mersey River, they built up special surfaces of rock which are recipients of the the low to high tide waves. They also protect the land from sliding away. We walked along the water front, stopping at one of the buildings. We could have taken a tour, but decided to wait till later in the day. We did visit the Maritime Museum. Lots of history and artifacts from ships along the years. There were also several memorials built to honor the fallen ones from all wars. So much history. We saw the Fab Four statue and cafe along the water. We worked our way over to the main shopping area. We stopped for a coffee and hot chocolate as I was needing something mid morning. We found a big indoor shopping mall. Mark was in search of a white shirt, since he didn't buy one along the way and he did not pack one from home. He was successful in finding a shirt and it turned out to be half price, which was even better. I visited with a local, who was also a sailor and loved to hear about our adventure. We walked around the main city area. Mark was looking for a wine store. Eventually, we found a Tesco store, which was great. Also, picked up some laundry detergent as they have a laundry room on our deck, very close to our cabin. It's probably time to run a couple of loads. We walked back to the ship around 2 pm. Dropped off our purchased in our cabin and noticed that our floor repair was complete. It's a lot better. Then we headed up to Deck 7, Lido, for lunch. I ate some cooked veggies and a slice of turkey plus a spinach crepe. Drank some more orange juice as well as some hot chamomile tea. There is a great selection of foods, hot and cold, plus a variety of desserts. Then headed back to our cabin. Caught up on our emails while we still have coverage. I posted pictures on Facebook. The took a short nap. They interrupted our sleep time with the mandatory safety drill for the passengers newly onboard. We did notice a lot of suitcases put out last night. Many people got on in Southampton and got off the ship today. That meant that many new passengers got on today. I think I had just fallen asleep. We got up and showered. Mark booked us a rental car in Iceland. That is our next stop. Our ship will remain there overnight, so we have two days of touring. Should be exciting. Got dressed up for dinner. I wore a pair of short white pants with a nice colorful top. Mark wore slacks and a golf shirt with his mandatory suit jacket. They won't allow any men in the dining room if they are not wearing a jacket. Terry and Sheila were already at our table. John & Nancy missed dinner as they had booked a length bus ride tour to Wales. Had a lovely dinner tonight. I skipped the starter, but enjoyed a dessert. Our dining time was much faster tonight. We decided to head back to our cabin and watch the send-off party from our balcony. The shore was full of Liverpool-ites. Lots of people and very crowded in places. There was a stage set up with a band and singers performing a special concert for us. We were supposed to leave around 7:30pm. They added a band with more songs and ended with some opera singers. It was fun to watch. We made a few phone calls. What a lovely way to end our stay today. They dropped the many dock lines and shot off a good amount of fireworks. We are heading out the Mersey River now. The sun has not yet set. It's 21C and very flat waters. It will take us a couple of hours to get thru to the mouth of the river. We are traveling slowly as the tide is very low. We missed our Comic Show tonight as we want to take advantage of our wifi connection as long as we can see land. Thanks for the many emails and messages. We can feel some vibrations. Not sure what that means. Our next stop will be Iceland. Our garmin will be working and marking out our course. Please send us a message, if you can. Would love to hear from you.