Ashore in Corner Brook - 07/24/19
24 July 2019 | Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

Woke up a few times. I looked out our balcony and saw lights on shore a fair ways away from our ship. Then we both woke up. Mark was checking our position and found a BBC channel with an old Dr. Who show. So, we watched an episode. I think Mark has been missing them for the past two years.
We went back to sleep for another hour or so. We enjoyed an extra hour of sleep as we fell back one hour on the timeline. Enjoyed a lazy morning. Got dressed and headed up to Deck 12, Lido, for breakfast. There was no visibility from the windows around this deck. It was totally foggy and may even have been raining as the deck was soaked. There were still people outside walking around the ship. Some had shorts and t-shirts while other had heavy jackets. It was too wet to head outside.
We walked back to our cabin and grabbed our jackets before heading up to Deck 13. It had stopped raining by now and the fog was completely gone. The breeze was cold, so I am glad I had a sweater and jacket on. The water was absolutely flat as we headed west underneath Newfoundland. We could see the coast line which was very mountainous. In one of the higher mountains, we could see areas with white snow drifts. I thought this was summer. We took some pictures of the beautiful scenery including several islands just off shore. Mark spotted a dolphin in the water. I had been searching the water for any signs of whales, but did not see any. We came back inside and watched some of the Mueller Testimony. What a waste of their day! We headed back to Deck 14, Lido, for an early lunch. I had some chicken and veggies. Mark enjoyed a pulled beef sandwich. Our ship was getting close to the port dock in Corner Brook. Just before noon, we were tied up and secured and waiting for the Canadian clearance. Our balcony faced the shore and we were able to see the passengers getting off on the gang way. There had a coupe of yellow school buses shuttling the passengers to the downtown area. It looked like a slow process. We packed up a few things to take to shore and headed down to Deck 1 to exit the ship. We were surprised that we didn't have to go thru Customs or Immigration. We just walked off. There was an older gentleman playing an instrument on a small stage. I was going to ask him if he knew any Stan Rogers, but there was a crowd waiting to board the next shuttle and just too many people around that area. We stopped around the corner at the port area building that advertised free wifi only to find that we could not even get connected. No one else could connect either. We continued walking to the downtown area. We needed the exercise and didn't want to wait in the long line for the next shuttle. Our first stop was in the downtown area with a small square in front of City Hall. There were some musicians entertaining. We checked out the many market stalls. I was hoping we could return and spend more time here. We went inside the City Hall building and found a couple of chairs to sit on while we enjoyed their free wifi. Mark updated my cell phone with our old sim card, but could not get it to work. Then he couldn't get my cell phone company to answer his questions. He also set up our new car insurance. We decided to walk over a couple of blocks to a small shopping mall. We spotted a Shoppers Drug Mart and stopped to pick up a couple things. Then headed over to the shopping mall to find a shop that sold Canadian Sim cards. We bought one at the Bell store, that will be good for a month. We hoped it would last us for the days we are in Canada on our cruise and later when we drive there. It cost us around $50+ which was way too expensive. We didn't realize there was a second shop, most likely with better deals. We headed upstairs and connected to the free wifi from Sobeys. I was able to download some pictures from our days at sea and coming into Corner Brook. Mark had uploaded most of my pictures to my laptop, so they were no longer on my phone. I got caught up on emails and Facebook. I also sent out an update email. If you didn't receive it, please send us an email and we can make sure you receive it. We checked out a couple of the stores at the mall. I thought they had some good prices, but I wasn't buying anything. Our suitcases are full, so no room for anything more. We made a stop at Tim Hortons as they were supposed to have good wifi. I was able to connect but Mark was not. Mark ordered a coffee with a honey crueler while I had a muffin and water. I spent a few minutes reading the local newspaper. I must say that everyone we talked to were very nice. The car drivers were kind and let us cross the road, even when the crossing guard deemed otherwise. Mark wanted to return to City Hall, so we walked back there only to find that it was closed. It was after 5 pm and the market stalls were emptying out. It was almost 5:30, so we started walking back to the ship. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait in a line to re-board our ship. We got back on and headed to our cabin. It was a fast change for us. Terry, Sheila, John and Nancy were already at our table. We skipped the appetizer and each ordered the slow cooked beef dish. They brought us some extra cooked veggies, a plate of cooked spinach, which most of us sampled. This was one of the best dinners. Mark had apple cake and ice cream to go with his coffee. I had the chocolate mouse with ice cream. We decided to skip the entertainment show tonight. It was another appearance by the flutist lady. We are watching tv tonight. It was 19C as we left the dock at 8pm. It was not that hot all day. Our ship turned around after the bow thrusters pushed us far enough off the dock. The seas were very flat as we moved thru the channel in-between the islands just off Newfoundland. The colors from the setting sun were stunning. Mark spotted a firetruck spewing water out towards us from shore. It may have been aimed at a charred boat that was just off shore. Not sure. We will be falling back ½ hour tonight. So, again, we enjoy a little more sleep time. We have a day at sea tomorrow. Then a day in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This is another province that we have not yet visited. Looking forward to meeting up with my sister and her husband for our day in Halifax. Enjoy your day.