Queen Mary 2 Last Sea Day - 07/27/19
27 July 2019 | North Atlantic

Mark woke up around 7:30 and let me sleep a bit longer. We watched some tv news. We did visit the casino last night. I was pretty lucky winning I won $60 and Mark won $20. Mark played on one of the slot machines, but I didn't want to give any of my winnings back. Headed up to Deck 8 to return the library book that I borrowed last week. We decided to have breakfast in the dining room today. We asked to join other passengers at a table with a preference of one by the window. They were able to satisfy our request. We joined 7 others in a large table in front of a window. Enjoyed our conversations. Mark started talking about our sailing trip and they were all amazed and interested in details. I so enjoyed talking with Mary. Our breakfast was very good too! Such a lovely way to start our day.
We headed back to our cabin. We showered early today. Then started getting organized with our packing. Mark also found the German F1 qualifying on the ship's German channel. He later found a recap on an English channel. It was afternoon before we headed up to Deck 7 and decided to walk a few laps around Deck 7 before having lunch. Lunch was veggies and turkey for me. Mark had some skewered meats with some sides. We skipped dessert. We started talking to a very nice couple from Chicago. We recommended Jacksonville as a great place to live. We shared our boat cards with them and several other people we met today. Just hoping that they will post on the blog or send us an email when they get a minute. Answered several emails. Then started making some more detailed plans for our Canada trip. Then we worked on packing. Not sure all my things will fit into my suitcase. We stopped by the Purser's desk to ask about getting off the ship unassisted, tomorrow. They registered our request and gave us a separate card that we have to hand over when we get off the ship. We have to meet in the Queens room before 7 am. So, that means we will be up very early. It was a lovely day on the water, for our last day at sea. The winds were light and the temperature was around 60+ degrees and with the sun shining all day, it was a lovely temperature on the deck. This is the first day that we saw so many people sitting on the chaise loungers and dressed in shorts. As we were packing, Mark watched an old episode of Dr Who. Then he enjoyed a glass of wine. The North Atlantic waters are very smooth. The sun continued to shine throughout the afternoon. Headed to our final dinner with Terry and Sheila. We enjoyed the time together and a very nice beef tenderloin meal. We donated the rest of our wine cask to Terry & Sheila. We decided to head to the casino. I played the roulette wheel for quite a while and cashed out even. Mark played on a slot machine and played enough to get a free drink. I also had a free drink on my card, but did not cash it in. We listened to the Entertainment singer for part of a song. She had a good voice. Then we came back to our cabin around 9 pm. We still have a few more things to add to our luggage. The good news is that we get one extra hour of sleep tonight. We need to change our clocks and set an alarm. Thanks to everyone for the many emails and messages. Enjoy the weekend.