Beach Walking & Dinner @ QH - 08/24/19
24 August 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
We were up early. Found out our carpet measuring person hurt his back and couldn't make our early morning appointment. After breakfast, we decided to start our day with a walk on the beach. We drove to the end of Atlantic Blvd and parked on 1st Street at the corner of Atlantic Beach & Neptune Beach. We were happy to get a parking spot close to Ocean One. There were lots of people on the beach. The boardwalk was missing or had been removed. It was a sandy walk out the entrance and all the way to the water. We had a very nice walk towards Jacksonville Beach. We didn't make it all the way to the pier, though. There were lots of people in the water. The waves were sizable with many surfers waiting for their perfect wave. After being in Australia with some very big surf, these waves didn't seem to be very high. The sun was hot. We could see a huge amount of gigantic white cloud formations along the shoreline and over land. The sky was blue without clouds over the Atlantic ocean. Beautiful views! Did a little shopping. Then headed back for lunch. Not sure where the afternoon went. I did some laundry. Worked on getting organized for our drive on Monday. We drove over to Queens Harbour and met up with our good friends, the Silvers. Enjoyed a walk around the marina area. Lots of memories of when we kept our sailboats there. Enjoyed our time together. Dinner was excellent, as was the company. Avery's parents were in town and we got to share some of our cruising stories. I even got to play some scrabble with Levi, while Austin enjoyed playing with someone's small puppy dog. Both boys enjoyed flying a foam glider with Mark. Truly enjoyed our time together. Headed back. Watched some tv until we were both tired enough to call it a day. Thanks for your emails and messages.