Visit to Greywood - 08/27/19
28 August 2019 | Huddleton, Virginia
Woke up early as Mark set our alarm for 7 am. We showered and got dressed. Heading down to see Pam before she left. Took some pictures and visited with her, until she left. Enjoyed a home made quiche from Pam. Then packed up our things and started the drive to Virginia. David saw us off. What a beautiful neighborhood! I was surprised that the temperature was only 70 degrees. That was cool for us. Good thing I packed a sweater and jacket as I needed both today.
It was overcast. Then we drove thru some rainy weather. At least it cleaned up our windshield, nicely. We stopped along the way for fuel, but the price was very expensive. I used my Gasbuddy app for the first time and found a cheaper gas station at $2.14/gallon.
We drove a bit further and stopped at Goodyear Blvd in Danville, Virginia. Took a tour around the many buildings inside a park. Then started looking for a place for lunch. We each had eggs for lunch for a change.
It was almost 2 pm when we arrived at Steve & Kathy's beautiful lake front home "Greywood". We had a wonderful visit with them. Kathy cooked us a most delicious dinner. Then just before sunset, we headed out on their speed boat to explore Smith Mountain Lake. What an amazing place. We headed over to the dam which was close by. Then to another part of the lake. There were a few other boats on the water. We got to see so many beautiful houses and apartments along the water's edge.
It was getting dark by the time we returned. We sat outside Steve's pub, which was built on the dock, as we enjoyed some sg&t's. Mark brought out his laptop and ran a slide show of pictures that he put together from our sailing adventure.
We headed to bed around 11 pm. We were not able to post our blog as there was no wifi connections. So, we will post this a day late.
Thanks for the emails and messages. Enjoy your day!