Lots of Locks - 09/05/19
05 September 2019 | Jacksonville, Florida
It's hard to believe how fast these days are passing by. We are still feeling a lot of gratitude that this huge storm stayed well offshore. We did not see that much rain or wind. The water from the surge filled in our canal. We didn't hear if anyone on our street had any flooding. We were perfectly safe. Our hearts go out to the Bahamas and also North Carolina coastline, which is getting beat up by Dorian. Got up and checked the news and weather. Enjoyed a light breakfast before heading out. Stopped at Queens Harbour and checked out Scott and Avery's boat. Took down the protective wrap around their pilot station and opened up the boat. It's supposed to be dry for the next few days. Then made a stop at the lock to see David. We had a short visit and then drove to our storage unit. Took a load of the delicate items back to our house. We noticed our neighbors had their recycle bins out. So, we rushed to get ours out. Also, we stacked all the palm fronds that Mark and Jim cut off the other day. Apparently, the recycle went by at 6:30 and we missed them. So, we will need to wait two more weeks for the next pickup. Spent time cleaning and vacuuming the upstairs rooms. Still have more to do. Mark worked on changing locks. He went to Home Depot and bought some more. He then is re-keying each one. Jim came over after lunch. He helped Mark get our tv out of the car and into our house. He also helped us bring another two loads of storage items back to the house. Mark changed 13 door locks and still has 4 more to do tomorrow. Headed home after 5:30 pm. Watched some tv. Then I cooked dinner. Both of us are tired out. We watched some Below Deck episodes. This season is more about the crew and their many squabbles. The carpet installer will be out mid morning. That will be great to get done. Mark is working with another moving company to see if they are available on Saturday for our move. Otherwise, it will get delayed until Monday. It was a very hot day. Every time we were outside, we were sweating with our 96 degree heat. However, we were cool enough in the house. Everything will get done. Thanks for the emails and messages. Stay safe and enjoy your day.