Met a boat in Calabash Bay
19 March 2016 | Calabash Bay (Long Island)
We overheard on the VHF (I know what you are thinking: "All those yatchies are so nosy", and you are right!) that a neighboring vessel just caught two 45 pound tunas and it seems like it was far too much for their two people crew, so we thought that it would be great to trade one big lobster tail (not as easy to get in this neck of the woods as in the ragged islands) for some raw sushi!!! We got in contact with them as they actually anchored next to us, and the deal was done. We got to meet William and Johanna, a really nice couple from Maine, who also crossed the pacific one year after we did. You can imagine that we had a lot of stories to share as they invited us for a drink on their beautiful sloop called Visions of Johanna.