Georgetown (Bahamas)forever!
25 March 2016 | Georgetown, Great Exuma
This morning, I tried water aerobics at the south monument beach with a bunch of really nice and funny women. I am so excited as my friends, Amy and Dave, from Colorado, are coming today late afternoon. I am sure they are going to love this nice weather we have in the harbor compare to the blizzard that had them delayed in Denver yesterday. The wind should be good to return with them in the Ragged Islands as well as with Aphrodite who is a little ahead of us and that we will meet on the way before Hog's Cay cut. Hog's cay cut is a shallow cut in the south of grand Exuma island and the first time that you go through there, it is a little hairy! With a catamaran, there is no problem (even 1 h before High tide), and we saw some mono hull with a draft up to 5.5 feet going through at FULL HIGH TIDE though. Can't wait to celebrate my birthday with Amy!!!!!