Buena Vista (Jumentos). An unusual encounter on Buena Vista Cay
25 April 2016 | Buena Vista Cay, Ragged Islands

On our way back from Cuba, we headed first for Hog Cay and Duncan town where we were able to hook up with free Wi-Fi and update everybody of our return in the Bahamas. A North East wind kept us in this very comfortable anchorage for the next three days. Finally, we were able to progress little by little to Raccoon Cay, then Buena Vista Cay where we met a very interesting gentleman called Edward. He has been in the process of planning/ building a house for the last 8 years, have settled on the island for a while now and is raising chicken, ducks and peacocks. He is not a young guy but still have numerous and vivid dreams that he is still trying to accomplish, among them, building a small resort on this island that his family owned. Buena Vista is beautiful with a very long sandy beach on the bank side and a rocky ocean shore. Plenty of goats roamed on the island, as in Raccoon Cay. The anchorage was comfortable, a little rolly in the North east wind (that came back again!!!), and we managed to have a successful snorkeling hunting trip. We chatted with Edward in the evening, on the beach with cold beers. He definitely is very interesting, have experienced a bit of up and down in his life and is full of stories (about Duncan Town, his family-especially his grandmother-) which I will not unveil here so you can enjoy Edward’s visit. Finally, a very strong east wind came back and it was time to go again, we chose the ocean route (a little sportive, I have to say!) and came back in south of water cay, continuing to Hog’s cay cut that we reach about 3pm. We had to wait a bit for the tide to get higher and we passed it at 7pm to arrive in Georgetown at 10pm. (by now, we are pretty comfortable with entering the pass at night).