We met Laura (right) online via the Antigua Sailing Week crew pool and she introduced us to Abbey (left). Both are from the U.K. and very good sailors.
Laura is a first rate bow person and very entertaining. While we were beam reaching in a strong breeze on the first race, a local power catamaran full of race watchers and tourists passed by us playing very loud music. Laura stood up and started dancing to the music on the windward rail which the amused the catamaran so much they followed us for the next mile or two.
Abby, is good pit person, quickly learning a new boat and different type of gybe than she had done before and very easy going. She is also the consummate entrepreneur, photographing her gourmet oatmeal product in as many unique places as possible. Rumor has it that it may be seen all over Antigua Sailing Week on her website
We were very glad to have both of them as crew and hope to race with them again