02 February 2008 | Newport Beach, California
29 January 2008 | Newport Beach, CA
27 January 2008 | Balboa Yacht Club, California
25 January 2008 | San Diego, California
23 January 2008 | Mission Bay, California
20 January 2008 | Public Docks, San Diego
18 January 2008 | Shelter Island, San Diego
18 January 2008 | San Diego, California
17 January 2008 | United States/Mexico Border
17 January 2008 | Ensenada, Mexico
17 January 2008 | Ensenada Mexico
17 January 2008 | Ensenada, Mexico
16 January 2008 | Ensenada, Mexico
16 January 2008 | Ensenada, Mexico
14 January 2008 | Sacramento Reef, Baja California
14 January 2008 | Islas San Benitos
12 January 2008 | Islas San Benitos
12 January 2008 | Islas San Benitos
12 January 2008 | 60 Miles West of Turtle Bay
10 January 2008 | 130 Miles South of Cedros Island
Magic in the Kitchen
02 May 2007 | Antigua
Keri, Julie and my Mom preparing for our Mexican barbecue at the Pineapple House.
Keri is a long-time friend of Julie's who was able to join our crew for part of Antigua Sailing Week and we were glad to have her. She is always a lot of fun to have around and was a helpful addition to our crew. Keri has recently become involved in yacht racing and participates in many of the events held in San Francisco Bay. We have been wanting her to come join us during our trip and we are glad the timing worked out this way.