Two Yellow Fin Tuna and Sushi
19 September 2007 | Isla Canal Afuera, Panama

Yesterday we sailed from Isla Santa Catalina to Isla Canal de Afuera which is about 21 miles. It was a nice close reach the whole way there with really nice wind during the latter half of the trip.
We caught two yellow fin tunas on the way. We had excellent sushi last night. Andrew made the sticky rice out of normal rice by adding vinegar and sugar. He also made excellent looking and tasting rolls with seaweed, peppers, and cucumber that we fortuitously procured 6 hours before at Santa Catalina. Andrew told me he learned how to make sushi to "impress the chicks". I tried to make piece sushi which did not look good but tasted great. Nonetheless, I think Julie would have been impressed.
It was a fun dinner with more sushi than we could eat and only used part of one fish. We have some leftover rolls for lunch today. I think some Polynesian style sushi and ceviche is in our future too.
Isla Canal Afuera used to be one of the islands that fugitives trying to escape from the penal colony on Coiba would end up. Now that the penal colony is completely closed there is no danger.
The anchorage turned out to be more rolly than I would have expected. The depth also drops off very quickly so it is tricky to get close enough to anchor in a reasonable depth and yet not be in danger of going aground on a change in the winds. We did not strike the right balance yesterday evening which fortunately turned out to be fine but it was a fitful night of sleep.