Left Golfito for Playa de Coco
02 October 2007 | Near Isla Cano, Costa Rica
The weather was not perfect for leaving but we need to get to Playa de Coco to meet Julie. We sailed off our anchor in Golfito and rode the ebbing tide out of the bay. We tacked up the channel into the Golfo Dulce and then close reached to the Cabo Matapalo. Fortunately the wind backed hard after we cleared the point and we tacked over on another close reach towards Punta Salsipuedes. Then a large squall swept over us and we played hide and go seek with two small fishing boats in next to nothing visibility. Soon as we put our stern to the fishing boats the wind died. Now we are motoring. We barbecued the last of our spotted mackerel for dinner in the rain. Oh well it could be worse....we could be working.