Destination U.S.
17 January 2008 | Ensenada, Mexico
Julie Mays
It's hard to believe that our next port of call is the United States. For three years now, there has always been that allure about the next port - a big unknown. We read about it and have pre-conceived notions of what it will be like, but getting there and discovering things has been one of the most fun parts for me.
Arriving back to the United States has a whole different appeal. I look forward to dealing with American authorities, who of course are strict, but at least we know what the procedure will be and the law is applied evenly, no matter who you happen to get or their mood that day. But beaucracy aside, after sailing into foreign countries for three years, there is just something so comforting about coming back into the US. It's home. We know what to expect, where to go and know how to get things done efficiently.
So, it's with very mixed emotions that I leave Mexico this morning. I've been looking forward to this day for quite some time, but now that it's come, I'm more than sad to see it come to an end. Fortunately, I suspect that our lives will never be too boring, comfortable or ordinary, and before long, probably just as our lives are getting to be "normal", something will come along to change that.