Vessel Name: | Cocktails & Dreams |
Vessel Make/Model: | Hudson Vinice |
Hailing Port: | Panama City FL |
Crew: | Larry and Kim Floyd |
About: | Both aircraft mechanics married in 2009 at the Soggy Dollar Bar in the BVIs, We vowed one day we would return on our own boat, Dreams can come true. |
Extra: | In 2010 we got serious, bought a boat and made a two year plan to go cruising, Oh well better late than never. |
The Never Ending To Do LIST, I've spent the last four months (actually the last four years) getting Cocktails & Dreams ready to go, ending every day with more items added than checked off that stupid list, OK let's regroup and deal with the Must Do items first. Sell the house/done. Sell the truck/done. [...]